
Pierluigi Paganini January 09, 2014
LinkedIn – Surge of fake profiles and increment of illicit activities

LinkedIn company filed a complaint in San Francisco against unknown hackers responsible for the creation of an impressive amount of fake profiles. LinkedIn is considered the social network of professionals, its scope is to give the possibility to the users to build their network of business relationship, sharing content of interest and exchanging opinion and […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 08, 2014
openSUSE Forum hacked. Pakistani hacker compromised internal database

A Pakistani hacker named ‘H4x0r HuSsY’ has successfully compromised the official Forum of the popular Linux OS openSUSE accessing to the database. A Pakistani hacker named ‘H4x0r HuSsY’ has successfully compromised the official Forum of the popular Linux OS openSUSE. The new shocking hack is shaking the IT security community, a few days after the […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 07, 2014
Project NETRA – The Indian Internet Surveillance

The Indian Government is launching Netra project for internet surveillance. Obvious concerns for online privacy and freedom of expression of Indian population. The Internet surveillance in India is reality thanks  a project codenamed NETRA (Network Traffic Analysis), it is able to detect and automatically capture any voice traffic passing through software such as VoIP systems […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 06, 2014
French satellites sold to UAE may contain backdoored components

UAE wants terminate a contract with French companies for the supply of two Falcon Eye spy satellites due the presence of security compromising components. United Arab Emirates could cancel a contract with Frence for the supply of  two intelligence satellites due the discovery of what was described as “security compromising components.” The UAE claims it […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 05, 2014
Quantum computer is the future weapon of NSA

The Washington post revealed that NSA is spending a great effort to build a quantum computer that could break most types of encryption. The NSA is monopolizing the security landscape, The Washington Post reported that the U.S. Intelligence Agency spending a significant effort to develop a computer that could break the majority of encryption algorithms […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 04, 2014
Symantec on Network Time Protocol (NTP) reflection DDoS attacks

Security researchers at Symantec have spotted a series of Network Time Protocol (NTP) reflection DDoS attacks during the Christmas Holidays. DDoS attacks are very simple methods of offence that could cause serious problems to targeted systems, behind the word DDoS there are numerous techniques that could be exploited by attackers to reach their goals. Last […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 03, 2014
Snapchat hack is reality, 4.6M usernames and Numbers exposed

Snapchat hack is reality, 4.6 million usernames and numbers exposed and publicly available on a specifically created domain Recently I posted an article on a couple of serious flaws in the popular photo messaging application Snapchat, Gibson Security revealed that using a couple of exploits known by the name The ‘Find Friends’ exploit and the ‘Bulk […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 02, 2014
DROPOUTJEEP – How NSA completely controls your iPhone

Leaked documents shared by Der Spiegel show how NSA spyware codenamed DROPOUTJEEP can spy on every Apple iPhone. Apple denies any claim. Users buy the iPhone, NSA controls them. This is not a slogan for the last Apple advertising, it is the uncomfortable truth revealed by another set of NSA documents leaked by Snowden and […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 31, 2013
Cyber thieves are stealing money from ATMs with infected USB sticks

Two German researchers at the last Chaos Computing Congress in Hamburg revealed how cyber thieves steal money from ATMs win infected USB Sticks. Cyber criminals are exploiting new techniques to attack ATMs (Automated Teller Machines) infecting the devices with specifically crafted malware. Security researchers discovered a new series of attacks against ATMs, the criminals cut […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 31, 2013

CDM (CYBER DEFENSE MAGAZINE) PRESENTS: CYBER WARNINGS DECEMBER 2013 EDITION The December edition of the free Cyber Defense Magazine is out. Don’t miss it.   SPONSORED BY RSA CONFERENCE 2014 Read each FLIPBOOK edition electronically, online and flip through the page: CYBER WARNINGS E-MAGAZINE:  DECEMBER 2013 CYBER DEFENSE MAGAZINE: ANNUAL EDITION FOR 2013 Download a color PDF […]