
Pierluigi Paganini June 03, 2016
British MPs emails are routinely accessed by GCHQ

New documents leaked by Edward Snowden reveal that both the British Intelligence and the NSA regularly intercept the British MPs emails. According to Computer Weekly, new documents leaked by Edward Snowden reveal that both the British Intelligence and the NSA regularly intercept the British MPs emails and peers. The revelations have been made public through an […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 03, 2016
Unlimited surveillance capabilities, but it’s going to cost you

Israeli company Ability Unlimited Interception System (ULIN) promises unlimited surveillance capabilities on any cell phone on the planet. Israeli-based company Ability is planning a big marketing push aimed at law enforcement in the United States.  Ability Unlimited Interception System (ULIN) promises unlimited surveillance capabilities of revealing the location, calls, and texts of any cell phone […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 01, 2016
Iran orders media companies to store data in the country

Iran orders foreign social media and instant messaging companies to use servers in the country to store all data related to the Iranian citizens. The Iranian Government spends a significant effort for the Internet monitoring and control, its activities often lead to a concrete censorship. Last year the Government of Teheran has blocked Telegram and many other social networking companies due to […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 29, 2016
Why surveillance firm Blue Coat was granted a powerful encryption certificate?

Experts discovered that the Controversial Surveillance firm Blue Coat was granted a powerful encryption certificate that can be used for web monitoring. Once again we are here speaking about surveillance, security experts have discovered that the controversial firm Blue Coat Systems was granted  powerful encryption digital certificates. Blue Coat sells web-monitoring software, its surveillance appliances were […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 20, 2016
Phineas Fisher hacked a bank to support anti-capitalists in the Rojava region

Phineas Fisher, the notorious Hacking Team hacker, stole $10,000 from a bank and donated the equivalent in Bitcoin to Kurdish anticapitalists in Rojava. Phineas Fisher (@GammaGroupPR), revealed on Reddit that he breached a bank and turned the stolen money to a Kurdish anti-capitalists that operate in the Rojava autonomous region. The region in located in the north of the […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 20, 2016
Telephone metadata by NSA can reveal deeply personal information

A study conducted by the NSA confirms that telephone metadata from phone logs reveals individuals’ Personal Information to government surveillance agencies. It has been argued in the past that the mass collection of phone records by government surveillance agencies poses a significant threat to privacy rights. Now, however, a new study confirms what privacy advocates […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 19, 2016
Japanese Docomo makes its smartphone covertly trackable

The Japanese Mobile carrier NTT Docomo announced that its mobile devices will allow authorities to covertly track the locations of the users. The Japanese Mobile carrier NTT Docomo announced that five of its new smartphone models will allow authorities to track the locations without users being aware of it. Today, users are alerted when the […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 13, 2016
Police admits it disguised a surveillance SUV as Google Streetview Vehicle

The Philadelphia Police Department admitted they disguised a surveillance SUV equipped with a powerful ALPR as a Google Streetview vehicle. The Philadelphia Police Department has used a track for surveillance activity by disguising it as Google Streetview vehicle. “An SUV tucked away in the shadows of the Philadelphia Convention Center’s tunnel bears the ubiquitous logo for […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 09, 2016
2015 intelligence transparency report, the surveillance is still nosey

According to 2015 intelligence transparency report, the searches of US citizens made by the NSA and CIA intelligence agencies have almost doubled since 2013 If you believe that the Snowden‘s revelations have stopped or limited the surveillance activities you are obviously wrong. The diffusion of the technology and the increasing threats of espionage and terrorism is […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 29, 2016
Employee Monitoring, a controversial topic

Employee monitoring is a complex and controversial topic that can often become the source of discontent between employers and their staff. It is not a secret that most employees have a negative opinion about modern monitoring practices, such as PC monitoring. It is often viewed as an invasion of privacy and employer overstepping their authority. […]