
Pierluigi Paganini January 24, 2012
Zeus,software as a service – Implications for civil and military

As previously said the cyber crime industry is proving to be invoiced in a thriving company that knows no crisis. The reasons are countless, high profits and unpunished crimes most often the main reasons. What amazes is, however, the organization managing the criminal business. Operations managed as projects and malware designed as products of large […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 21, 2012
Anonymous “United as one, divided by zero” a click for freedom

In these days we have witnessed the escalation of operations conducted by the Anonymous group, the hacker group that is espressing a social dissent througth cyber attacks. The Internet world is profoundly changing, and the threat of hacktivist groups represents one of the major cyber threats. We must consider that the attacks of these groups […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 18, 2012
Symantec, the inconvenient truth on the data breach

Do you remember the case of Symantec and the theft of the source code of some of its products by an Indian group of hackers called the lord of Dharmaraja? On that occasion it was declared by Symantec officials that the source code of its products had been stolen in a successful attack to the […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 16, 2012
T-Mobile Hacked. Hacktivism strikes again

The year 2012 has started in the worst way in terms of cyber security, because we have observed several attacks settled successfully against military organizations and private companies. After the sensational case of the Zappos data breach and of the cyber escalation which Israel is a victim, also the company T-Mobile has suffered an attack. […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 16, 2012
Zappos data breach, 24M users exposed

In this hours is circulating in internet the news regarding a new clamorous hack that this time has hit the online retailer Zappos.com, a division of Amazon. According the official announcement of the company it was victim of a cyber attack that gained access to its internal network exposing sensible information. Seems to be that […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 15, 2012
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency hit by malware

To news like this we are dangerously getting used, the scenarios change but the dynamics are often the same, viruses used such as cyber weapon that infect critical structures, causing loss of valuable information and that block system of target systems. The news has been announced  by the same “Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)” that […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 14, 2012
Sykipot attacks U.S PKI infrastructures based on smart cards

In these hours on the web is turning the news of a cyber attack performed by a group of Chinese hackers against some U.S. Government Agencies. Once again, the weapon used against the strategic objectives is a cyber weapon, in particular it has been used a new version of the trojan Sykipot. Chinese hackers have […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 08, 2012
“Cyber China” From Operation Aurora to China Cyber attacks Syndrome

Cyber China is considered the most active persistent collector of Western intelligence and intellectual property, is it a syndrome or China represents a real threat? When we think of China in relation to cyber warfare, we imagine an army of hackers hired by the government in a computer room ready to successfully attack any potential target. China […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 07, 2012
Symantec hack, some further considerations

No doubt, the news of the beginning of the year is the alleged theft of the source of the Symantec antivirus. The news is sensational, “They stole everything to the police station!”, hilarious but very serious. Let’s try to resume the events. A group that calling itself the Lords of Dharmaraja has posted online a […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 02, 2012
A Distributed Satellite Ground Station Network for internet freedom

The news that I desire to discuss with you is the will to put into orbit a satellite system to combat new forms of censorship. The project is certainly ambitious and effective, an hacker group has decided to launch a series of satellites for the composition of an alternative communication platform that would be used […]