This post provides a timeline of the events related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine from the cyber security perspective. Below is the timeline of the events related to the ongoing invasion that occurred in the previous weeks: April 16 – The unceasing action of Anonymous against Russia This week the Anonymous collective and its […]
This week the Anonymous collective and its affiliates have targeted multiple Russian organizations stealing gigabytes of data. This week Anonymous and other hacker groups affiliated with the collective have launched multiple attacks against Russian government agencies and organizations. The week started with the announcement of the hack of Russia’s Ministry of Culture, Anonymous leaked 446 […]
Russia-linked Sandworm APT group targeted energy facilities in Ukraine with INDUSTROYER2 and CADDYWIPER wipers. Russia-linked Sandworm threat actors targeted energy facilities in Ukraine with a new strain of the Industroyer ICS malware (INDUSTROYER2) and a new version of the CaddyWiper wiper. According to the CERT-UA, nation-state actors targeted high-voltage electrical substations with INDUSTROYER2, the variant analyzed by […]
This post provides a timeline of the events related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine from the cyber security perspective. Below is the timeline of the events related to the ongoing invasion of Ukraine that occurred in the previous weeks: April 8 – Anonymous and the IT ARMY of Ukraine continue to target Russian entities […]
Facebook/Meta said Russia-linked threat actors are attempting to use the social network against Ukraine with hate speech, bullying, and fake news. Facebook/Meta revealed that Russia-linked threat actors are attempting to weaponize the social network to target Ukraine. The company blocked about 200 accounts operated from Russia that were used to falsely report people for various […]
The popular hacking Anonymous and the IT ARMY of Ukraine continue to target Russian government entities and private businesses. This week Anonymous claimed to have hacked multiple private businesses and leaked their data through the DDoSecrets platform. The list of recently compromised businesses includes: Forest – The hacktivists leaked 37,500 emails stolen from the company […]
Microsoft obtained a court order to take over seven domains used by the Russia-linked APT28 group to target Ukraine. Microsoft on Thursday announced it has obtained a court order to take over seven domains used by Russia-linked cyberespionage group APT28 in attacks against Ukraine. The APT28 group (aka Fancy Bear, Pawn Storm, Sofacy Group, Sednit, and STRONTIUM) has been active since at least 2007 […]
Ukraine’s technical security and intelligence service warns of threat actors targeting aimed at gaining access to users’ Telegram accounts. State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection (SSSCIP) of Ukraine spotted a new wave of cyber attacks aimed at gaining access to users’ Telegram accounts. The Ukrainian CERT attributes the hacking campaign to threat actors […]
Ukraine CERT-UA spotted a spear-phishing campaign conducted by Russia-linked Armageddon APT targeting local state organizations. Ukraine CERT-UA published a security advisory to warn of spear-phishing attacks conducted by Russia-linked Armageddon APT (aka Gamaredon, Primitive Bear, Armageddon, Winterflounder, or Iron Tilden) targeting local state organizations. The phishing messages have been sent from “vadim_melnik88@i[.]ua,” the campaign aims at […]
Anonymous continues to support Ukraine against the Russian criminal invasion targeting the Russian military and propaganda. Anonymous leaked personal details of the Russian military stationed in Bucha where the Russian military carried out a massacre of civilians that are accused of having raped and shot local women and children. Leaked data include names, ranks and […]