The Cyber Police of Ukraine arrested nine members of a cybercriminal gang that has stolen 100 million hryvnias via phishing attacks. The Cyber Police of Ukraine arrested nine members of a cybercriminal organization that stole 100 million hryvnias via phishing attacks. The crooks created more than 400 phishing sites for obtaining the banking data of […]
Norway’s National Security Authority (NSM) confirmed that a DDoS attack took down some of the country’s most important websites. Norway’s National Security Authority (NSM) confirmed that some of the country’s most important websites and online services were taken down by a massive DDoS attack conducted by a pro-Russian group. NSM did not explicitly attribute the […]
Resecurity, Inc. (USA) has identified an increase in activity within hacktivist groups conducted by a new group called “Cyber Spetsnaz”. Resecurity, Inc. (USA) has identified an increase in activity within hacktivist groups, they’re leveraging current geopolitical tensions between the Ukraine and Russia to perform cyber-attacks. Following the attacks of the Killnet Collective, the group responsible […]
Interpol Secretary warns that nation-state malware will become available on the cybercrime underground in a couple of years. Interpol Secretary General Jurgen Stock declared that nation-state malwre will become available on the darknet in a couple of years. In the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the malware developed by both nation-state actors and non […]
Security researchers from ESET reported that the Russia-linked APT group Sandworm continues to target Ukraine. Security experts from ESET reported that the Russia-linked cyberespionage group Sandworm continues to launch cyber attacks against entities in Ukraine. Sandworm (aka BlackEnergy and TeleBots) has been active since 2000, it operates under the control of Unit 74455 of the Russian GRU’s Main Center for […]
Researchers spotted a threat actor using a custom PowerShell RAT targeting German users to gain intelligence on the Ukraine crisis. Malwarebytes experts uncovered a campaign that targets German users with custom PowerShell RAT targeting. The threat actors attempt to trick victims into opening weaponized documents by using the current situation in Ukraine as bait. The […]
This post provides a timeline of the events related to Russia invasion of Ukraine from the cyber security perspective. Below is the timeline of the events related to the ongoing Russia invasion that occurred in the previous weeks: May 14 – The LEGION collective calls to action to attack the final of the Eurovision song […]
The Pro-Russian volunteer movement known as LEGION is calling to launch DDoS attacks against the final of the Eurovision song contest. The LEGION is a Pro-Russian volunteer movement that focuses on DDOS attacks. The group made the headlines for attacks against Western organizations and governments, including NATO countries and Ukraine. This week the Pro-Russian hacker group […]
The European Union condemns the cyberattacks conducted by Russia against Ukraine, which targeted the satellite KA-SAT network. The European Union accused Russia of the cyberattack that hit the satellite KA-SAT network in Ukraine, operated by Viasat, on February 24. This cyberattack caused communication outages and disruptions in Ukraine, it also impacted several EU Member States. 5,800 […]
Hacktivists yesterday defaced the Russian TV with pro-Ukraine messages and took down the RuTube video streaming site. Hacktivists and white hat hackers continue to support Ukraine against the Russian invasion, in a recent attack, they defaced Russian TV with anti-war messages and took down the RuTube video streaming site. The attack took place during Russia’s […]