
Pierluigi Paganini March 09, 2014
Facebook ‘Naked Video’ scam hits 2 million users

Security Experts at Bitdefender discovered a clickjacking Naked Video scam that already infected more that 2 millions Facebook users. Sex and social media is a dangerous mix abused by cyber criminals to hit a large number of users of most popular social networks. In the last couple of years the number of illicit activities on […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 08, 2014
SNAKE – The last cyber espionage campaign on a large scale

BAE Systems Applied Intelligence has disclosed a Russian cyber espionage campaign codenamed as SNAKE that targeted Governments and Military Networks. The British cyber specialist BAE Systems Applied Intelligence has disclosed a Russian cyber espionage campaign codenamed as SNAKE that remained undetected for a log time, at least for eight years. The malware can infiltrate Windows XP, Vista, 7 […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 07, 2014
Dendroid – A new Android RAT available on the underground

Symantec discovered a new HTTP Android Remote administration tool, named Dendroid, available on the underground market for only $300. Symantec researchers have discovered a new android malware toolkit dubbed Dendroid, early 2014 the company also detected AndroRAT, an Android Remote admin tool which is believed to be the first malware APK binder. Thanks to the diffusion of the Google […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 06, 2014
FireEye 2013 Advanced Threat Report on APTs campaigns

FireEye issued the 2013 Advanced Threat Report, the study provides a high-level overview of the computer network attacks by APTs discovered by the company.   Today I desire to analyze with you the data proposed by FireEye in the 2013 Advanced Threat Report (ATR), the study provides a high-level overview of the computer network attacks discovered […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 03, 2014
Uroburos rootkit, is it part of Russian Cyber weapon programme?

Researchers at German G Data published an interesting analysis for Uroborun rootkit alleged to be a component of Russian cyber weapons programme. Uroburos is considered an advanced rootkit that is active since as far back as 2011, it is used to infect networks belonging to high-level targets, stealing data after setting up rogue P2P networks, it targets […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 02, 2014
Government-built malware and cyber weapons will run out of control

F-Secure’s Chief Mikko Hyppönen at the TrustyCon explained the risk that Government-built malware and cyber weapons will run out of control. F-Secure’s Chief Research Officer Company Mikko Hyppönen at the TrustyCon conference in San Francisco explained that almost every government is spending a great effort to improve its cyber capabilities building a cyber weapon. “Governments writing […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 27, 2014
Chameleon WiFi virus emulates contagion of a common cold within humans

A team of researchers created in the lab the Chameleon WiFi virus, a malware that infects entire WiFi networks replicating contagion of a common cold within humans. A group of security researchers at the University of Liverpool in Britain have provided a proof of concept to demonstrate how to infect an entire WiFi network one shot. The team of researchers […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 26, 2014
Unveiled network of surveillance based on RCS of Hacking Team

Citizen Lab published detailed information on the surveillance network based on RCS spyware designed by the Italian firm Hacking Team. The nonprofit research team Citizen Lab has discovered the presence of a spyware developed by the Italian Hacking Team in 21 countries. The news doesn’t surprise security community, despite Hacking Team firm always denies any involvement in cyber […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 26, 2014
YouTube ads network serving Caphaw Banking Trojan

YouTube users were targeted by a classic drive-by download attack by exploiting client Java software vulnerabilities and serving Caphaw Banking Trojan. What about using YouTube to spread malware? YouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload, view and share videos, it has great appeal to the users and represents one of the bastions of the Internet. The website was […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 24, 2014
iBanking Mobile Bot Source Code available for sale in the underground

iBanking is a new mobile banking Trojan available for sale in the underground for $5,000 according the RSA’s FraudAction Group.  The source code for iBanking banking trojan has been leaked online through an underground forum, this kind of news reports a serious threat from the cybercrime ecosystem. Like happened for other trojan, including Zeus and Carberp, the […]