
Pierluigi Paganini November 23, 2022
Ducktail information stealer continues to evolve

The operators behind the Ducktail information stealer continue to improve their malicious code, operators experts warn. In late July 2022, researchers from WithSecure (formerly F-Secure Business) discovered an ongoing operation, named DUCKTAIL, that was targeting individuals and organizations that operate on Facebook’s Business and Ads platform. Experts attribute the campaign to a Vietnamese financially motivated […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 23, 2022
Exclusive – Quantum Locker lands in the Cloud

The gang behind Quantum Locker used a particular modus operandi to target large enterprises relying on cloud services in the NACE region. Executive Summary Incident Insights During the latest weeks, the Belgian company Computerland shared insights with the European threat intelligence community about Quantum TTPs adopted in recent attacks. The shared information revealed Quantum gang […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 22, 2022
Aurora Stealer Malware is becoming a prominent threat in the cybercrime ecosystem

Researchers warn of threat actors employing a new Go-based malware dubbed Aurora Stealer in attacks in the wild. Aurora Stealer is an info-stealing malware that was first advertised on Russian-speaking underground forums in April 2022. Aurora was offered as Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) by a threat actor known as Cheshire. It is a multi-purpose botnet with data stealing […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 22, 2022
Emotet is back and delivers payloads like IcedID and Bumblebee

The Emotet malware is back and experts warn of a high-volume malspam campaign delivering payloads like IcedID and Bumblebee. Proofpoint researchers warn of the return of the Emotet malware, in early November the experts observed a high-volume malspam campaign delivering payloads like IcedID and Bumblebee. The Emotet banking trojan has been active at least since 2014, the botnet is […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 21, 2022
Google won a lawsuit against the Glupteba botnet operators

Google won a lawsuit filed against two Russian nationals involved in the operations of the Glupteba botnet. This week, Google announced it has won a nearly year-long legal battle against the Glupteba botnet. Glupteba is a highly sophisticated botnet composed of millions of compromised Windows devices. Unlike other botnets, Gluteba leverages cryptocurrency blockchains as a command-and-control mechanism […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 21, 2022
Google provides rules to detect tens of cracked versions of Cobalt Strike

Researchers at Google Cloud identified 34 different hacked release versions of the Cobalt Strike tool in the wild. Cobalt Strike is a paid penetration testing product that allows an attacker to deploy an agent named ‘Beacon’ on the victim machine. The Beacon includes a wealth of functionality for the attacker, including, but not limited to […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 21, 2022
Octocrypt, Alice, and AXLocker Ransomware, new threats in the wild

Experts from Cyble Research and Intelligence Labs (CRIL) discovered three new ransomware families: AXLocker, Octocrypt, and Alice Ransomware. Threat intelligence firm Cyble announced the discovery of three new ransomware families named AXLocker, Octocrypt, and Alice Ransomware. The AXLocker ransomware encrypts victims’ files and steals Discord tokens from the infected machine. The analysis of the code […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 19, 2022
DEV-0569 group uses Google Ads to distribute Royal Ransomware

Microsoft warns that a threat actor, tracked as DEV-0569, is using Google Ads to distribute the recently discovered Royal ransomware. Researchers from the Microsoft Security Threat Intelligence team warned that a threat actor, tracked as DEV-0569, is using Google Ads to distribute various payloads, including the recently discovered Royal ransomware. The DEV-0569 group carries out […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 19, 2022
New improved versions of LodaRAT spotted in the wild

Cisco Talos spotted multiple updated versions of LodaRAT that were deployed alongside other malware families, including RedLine and Neshta. Researchers from Cisco Talos have monitored the LodaRAT malware over the course of 2022 and recently discovered multiple updated versions that have been deployed alongside other malware families, including RedLine and Neshta. The versions include new […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 18, 2022
Hive Ransomware extorted over $100M in ransom payments from over 1,300 companies

Hive ransomware operators have extorted over $100 million in ransom payments from over 1,300 companies worldwide as of November 2022. The threat actors behind the Hive ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) have extorted $100 million in ransom payments from over 1,300 companies worldwide as of November 2022, reported the U.S. cybersecurity and intelligence authorities. “As of November 2022, […]