
Pierluigi Paganini January 27, 2017
Hacker discovered security flaws in Amazon, Apple and Google epub services

A hacker discovered a XXE flaw in the EpubCheck library that affects major epub services causing information disclosure and denial of service conditions. The security expert and bug hunter Craig Arendt (@craig_arendt) has discovered flaws in major eBook readers including the ones commercialized by Amazon, Apple, and Google. The expert discovered different XML external entity (XXE) […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 17, 2016
Hacking Apple Mac encryption password in Just 30 Seconds with PCILeech device

A hacker devised a $300 device, dubbed PCILeech, that could be exploited by an attacker to gain full control of a Mac or MacBook. The Swedish hacker and penetration tester Ulf Frisk has devised a $300 device, dubbed PCILeech, that could be exploited by an attacker to gain full control of a Mac or MacBook. The device is able […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 02, 2016
A flaw allows to bypass the activation lock on iPhone and iPad

Researchers discovered a bug that can be exploited to bypass Apple’s Activation Lock feature and gain access to the homescreen of locked Apple devices. Security experts have discovered a new bug that could be exploited to bypass Activation Lock feature on Apple devices (iPhone, iPad). The bug could allow gaining access to the homescreen of a […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 28, 2016
Crime doesn’t pay, Fappening hacker gets 18 months in jail

The person behind the Fappening case, Ryan Collins (36), received a lighter penalty than the five years prison initially on the table for the guilty plea. Do you remember the Fappening case? In 2014, a cache of nude photos and videos of celebrities was leaked online, hackers have stolen them by accessing the iCloud accounts […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 25, 2016
Upgrade your iPhone to iOS 10.1 or you can get hacked by opening a JPEG or a PDF

Viewing a maliciously crafted JPEG may lead to arbitrary code execution, a boobytrapped JPEG could compromise your iPhone. Upgrade to iOS 10.1 Even a simple action such as looking a JPEG image or opening a PDF document could cause serious problems, an attacker, in fact, could hijack your Apple mobile device (iPhone, iPad, and iPod). Yes, it’s correct! […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 30, 2016
Zero day broker firm Zerodium has tripled iOS exploit bounty to $1.5M

The notorious zero-day broker company Zerodium has raised the value for a remote IOS jailbreak that reached $1.5 million. The popular zero-day broker Zerodium, which is specialized in Buys and Sells zero-day exploits, has tripled the bug bounty for a remote iOS 10 exploit. The company is willing to pay a jailbreak vulnerability to US$1.5 million. […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 24, 2016
Cracking Apple iOS 10 Backup Encryption is now 2,500 times faster

Experts from Elcomsoft discovered a new vector of attack to access password-protected local backups produced by iOS 10 devices. According to security experts from the computer forensics company Elcomsoft, Apple has weakened the backup security protection of its recently-issued iOS 10 skipping certain security checks. This means that hackers could easily crack password protection used […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 23, 2016
Young hacker Luca Todesco announced the iPhone 7 jailbreak

The popular hacker Luca Todesco (aka @qwertyoruiopz) has announced the existence of the iPhone 7 jailbreak for devices running iOS 10. Only a few hours, this is the time spent by the popular hacker Luca Todesco (aka @qwertyoruiopz) to jailbreak the new and secure iPhone 7. The iPhone 7 was launched by Apple a few days ago and of […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 02, 2016
Apple issued fixes for Pegasus spyware bugs in OS X, Safari. Apply it now!

Apple issued security fixes for Mac OS X and Safari to patch zero-day flaws exploited by Pegasus spyware to spy on mobile users. A few days ago, we reported a detailed analysis of the Trident exploit that triggers three vulnerabilities in order to remotely hack Apple mobile devices through the installation of the Pegasus spyware. The […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 02, 2016
BitTorrent client Transmission found distributing Mac malware once again

It has happened again, Mac users who were looking for the BitTorrent client Transmission might have been infected by the OSX/Keydnap malware. Security experts from ESET have spotted the popular BitTorrent client called Transmission distributing Mac malware called OSX/Keydnap that is used to steal the content of OS X’s keychain and maintain a permanent backdoor on victims’PC. […]