Security researchers developed a new BIOS bootkit that exploit recently discovered vulnerabilities. The experts will present their study to the CanSecWest. BIOS bootkits are a reality despite there is little evidence of BIOS implants in the wild. The BIOS bootkits was mentioned when Snowden disclosed the catalog of surveillance tools used by the NSA ANT division, these malicious malware are […]
A new interesting report published by The Intercept details the effort spent by the US intelligence to compromise the security of Apple devices. The Intercept published another disconcerting post on the US Intelligence campaign aimed to steal the secrets of the IT giant Apple. According to top-secret documents disclosed by The Intercept a team of researchers working with the Central […]
A new collection of documents leaked by Edward Snowden shines light on shadowy New Zealand surveillance activities operated at the Waihopai Base. A new collection of documents leaked by Edward Snowden provides an interesting analysis of the relationship between the Five Eyes countries and the surveillance activities they managed. The documents published Saturday by the […]
Researchers hack NSAâs website with only $104 and 8 hours of Amazonâs cloud computing power using the #FREAK vulnerability A team of researchers demonstrated that it is possible to exploit the FREAK vulnerability to hack the official NSA website by using 8 hours of Amazonâs cloud computing power and spending only $104. The researcher made […]
New secret documents leaked by Snowden reveal that CSE monitors millions of Canadian emails to Government, but privacy advocates criticized how CSE does it. Privacy advocates and Canadians are worried by the last bunch of document leaked by Edward Snowden related to the surveillance activities conducted by the Canadian Security Establishment (CSE). The national broadcaster Canadian […]
SIM maker Gemalto confirmed that unknown hackers targeted its systems in the period indicated by Snowden, but denied any massive theft of encryption keys. Just a week ago, the media agencies spread the news that US and British intelligence services have stolen encryption keys of the major SIM card maker Gemalto to spy on mobile […]
The NSA Director Rogers urges the creation of an independent legal framework to regulate the operations conducted US authorities. The NSA director and commander of U.S. Cyber Command, Admiral Michael Rogers, told a Washington cybersecurity forum that legislators need the creation of a legal framework to regulate the operations conducted by law enforcement and intelligence-gathering organizations worldwide. […]
US and British intelligence services have stolen encryption keys of the major SIM card maker Gemalto to spy on mobile voice and data communications worldwide. A new report published by The Intercept reveals that the National Security Agency and the British counterpart GCHQ obtained encryption keys of the global SIM manufacturer Gemalto, but the company […]
Experts at Kaspersky Lab revealed that the capabilities of the Equation Group Surpass anything known in terms of sophistication of hacking techniques. Security experts at Kaspersky revealed the existence of a hacking group operating since 2001 that targeted practically every industry with sophisticated zero-day malware. According to a new report from Kaspersky Lab, this group, dubbed […]
The Investigatory Powers Tribunal has considered unlawful the GCHQ access to information gathered by the NSA through its massive surveillance programs. The British intelligence GCHQ acted illegally in accessing millions of personal communications collected by the NSA, this is the judgment of The Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) that ruled against the national intelligence agency and security services. […]