The researchers from Google TAG are warning of Russia-linked threat actors targeting Ukraine with phishing campaigns. Russia-linked threat actors launched large-volume phishing campaigns against hundreds of users in Ukraine to gather intelligence and aimed at spreading disinformation, states Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG). In Q1 2023, threat actors linked to Russia’s military intelligence service focused their phishing […]
UK and US agencies are warning of Russia-linked APT28 group exploiting vulnerabilities in Cisco networking equipment. Russia-linked APT28 group accesses unpatched Cisco routers to deploy malware exploiting the not patched CVE-2017-6742 vulnerability (CVSS score: 8.8), states a joint report published by the UK National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the US National Security Agency (NSA), US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure […]
An Iran-linked APT group tracked as Mint Sandstorm is behind a string of attacks aimed at US critical infrastructure between late 2021 to mid-2022. Microsoft has linked the Iranian Mint Sandstorm APT (previously tracked by Microsoft as PHOSPHORUS) to a series of attacks aimed at US critical infrastructure between late 2021 to mid-2022. The IT giant reported Mint […]
China-linked APT41 group used the open-source red teaming tool GC2 in an attack against a Taiwanese media organization. Google Threat Analysis Group (TAG) team reported that the China-linked APT41 group used the open-source red teaming tool Google Command and Control (GC2) in an attack against an unnamed Taiwanese media organization. The APT41 group, aka Winnti, Axiom, Barium, Blackfly, […]
Poland intelligence linked the Russian APT29 group to a series of attacks targeting NATO and European Union countries. Poland’s Military Counterintelligence Service and its Computer Emergency Response Team linked a recent string of attacks targeting NATO and European Union countries to the Russia-linked APT29 group (aka SVR group, Cozy Bear, Nobelium, and The Dukes). APT29 along with APT28 cyber espionage group […]
Andrey Shevlyakov, an Estonian national, was charged in the US with conspiracy and other charges related to acquiring U.S.-made electronics on behalf of the Russian government and military. The Estonian man is accused of having helped the Russian government and military to purchase US-made electronics and hacking tools. The defendant was arrested in Estonia on […]
Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG) warns of a North Korea-linked cyberespionage group tracked as ARCHIPELAGO. Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG) is warning of the North Korea-linked ARCHIPELAGO group that is targeting government and military personnel, think tanks, policy makers, academics, and researchers in South Korea, the US and elsewhere. Google experts are tracking ARCHIPELAGO since […]
Files leaked by Russian IT contractor NTC Vulkan show that Russia-linked Sandworm APT requested it to develop offensive tools. Documents leaked from Russian IT contractor NTC Vulkan show it was likely involved in the development of offensive tools. The documents demonstrate that it also developed hacking tools for the Russia-linked APT group Sandworm. The Sandworm group […]
Exatrack researchers warn of an unknown China-linked hacking group that has been linked to a new Linux malware, dubbed Mélofée. Cybersecurity researchers from ExaTrack recently discovered a previously undetected malware family, dubbed Mélofée, targeting Linux servers. The researchers linked with high-confidence this malware to China-linked APT groups, in particular the Winnti group. The Mélofée malware includes a […]
Russia-linked threat actors targeted at least 17 European nations in 2023, and 74 countries since the start of the invasion of Ukraine. Microsoft revealed that Russia-linked threat actors targeted at least 17 European nations between January and mid-February 2023. According to a report published by the IT giant, the state-sponsored hackers have targeted 74 countries […]