Cyber warfare

Pierluigi Paganini February 04, 2012
Underestimate the threat, a serious error

In recent years it has fully understood the offensive capability of the use of cyber weapons, highly efficient tools to move attacks and espionage operations in total coverage. The effectiveness of the cyber threat is linked not only to its intrinsic characteristics, but also to the choice of channel for its spread and in this […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 02, 2012
Terrorism acts vs cyber threats, new offense scenarios

We are at an historical turning point today in U.S., and the situation is similar all over the world, threat of terrorist acts have been surpassed by cyber threats, this is the opinion of FBI Director Robert Mueller. Cyber crime, cyber-espionage, massive attacks, hacktivism, usage of cyber weapons against critical infrastructure are all phenomena that are increasing in frequency […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 31, 2012
Stuxnet, are we really safe now? No, of course!

Once again I draw inspiration from the argument “Stuxnet” on which much is being read on the web at this time, and a lot of which will be discussed in the years to come. From all the scientists Stuxnet was defined a deadly weapon, but why  if any direct damages recorded are comparable to those […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 29, 2012
Chinese Attacks on Defense Contractors, 2 clues are evidence

It’s not first time and the news itself doesn’t rapresent a surprise, once again Chinese hacker groups are involved in cyber intelligence operations against western companies with the intent to steal critical information. Symantec Researchers have proved the involvement of Chinese groups in attacks alerting the international community regarding the target attacked, including major U.S. defense […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 27, 2012
Cyber ​​chess, a game just begun

So far this year we have witnessed an escalation of attacks against those who are considered the major superpowers on cyber warfare, U.S. and Israel. Real motivated attacks in cyberspace capable of paralyzing the critical services of the target countries and after this offensive is lawful expect a reply first under warfare matter and of […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 23, 2012
Iran – China Axis and the dangerous alliances

If you were to ask me what is the most frightened nation in terms of cyber offense without a doubt I say it is China. The Beijing government has distinguished itself in recent years in the field of warfare demonstrating extraordinary abilities. It is among the first nations to have understood the importance of the […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 22, 2012
Japan under cyber attack. The cyber threat China

The events of recent days from the closure of the Megaupload web site to the heavy offensive of the Anonymous group have distracted media attention from important cyber operations, in my opinion of military matrix, against Japan. Last week several Cyber attacks have been conducted against Japan institutions and corporates, the National Security of Japan […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 17, 2012
Israel under a cyber warfare escalation

This week has began under worse auspices worse for Israel, which, despite its attention to the cyber threats posed by cyber-space, has been victim of a series of attacks that have checkmated the government of Jerusalem. Israel is facing with a true escalation in cyberwar, not identified attackers have in fact pulled down two principal […]