Locked Shields is the world’s largest and most advanced international technical live-fire cyber defence exercise organized by the NATO since 2010. Locked Shields is the world’s largest and most sophisticated international cyber defence exercise. It is an annual event since 2010, Locked Shields is organized by the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence and […]
Wikileaks has published a new piece of the Vault 7 leak that details a CIA project codenamed Scribbles (a.k.a. the “Snowden Stopper”). Scribbles is a software allegedly developed to embed ‘web beacon’ tags into confidential documents aiming to track whistleblowers and foreign spies. Wikileaks has leaked the Scribbles documentation and its source code, the latest released version […]
According to the experts at the security firm Morphisec that massive attack against Israeli targets was powered by the OilRig APT group. Yesterday the Israeli Cyber Defense Authority announced it has thwarted a major cyberattack against 120 targets just days after harsh criticism of new cyber defense bill. In a first time, the authorities blamed a foreign […]
The campaign of the French Presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron has been targeted by the notorious cyber espionage APT28 group. Yesterday the Danish Government officially accused the dreaded APT28 group (aka Fancy Bear, Pawn Storm, Sednit, Sofacy, and Strontium) of cyber attacks against Defense Ministry’s email accounts, now DNC hackers are suspected to have targeted also the French presidential […]
Denmark on Monday denounced Russia after the publication of a report that accused Russian APT28 of hacking the defense ministry’s email accounts. Today the Danish Government officially blamed Russia for cyber attacks against its Defense Ministry. Denmark denounced a cyber intrusion in several Defense Ministry’s email accounts. The accusation comes after the publishing by the Centre for Cyber […]
According to researchers at FireEye, Chinese hackers targeted the South Korean Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile system. According to a new investigation conducted by security firm FireEye, Chinese hackers are trying to hack systems used by South Korea military to interfere with the deployment of an anti-ballistic weapons system. The news was confirmed […]
WikiLeaks published the user guide related to the hacking tool allegedly used by the CIA, code-named Weeping Angel, to hack Samsung Smart TV. WikiLeaks has published a new document included in the Vault7 archive containing technical details about another hacking tool allegedly used by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). This time, the organization has […]
It started quietly as a probability not a reality. Now within months cyberwarfare has become a reality plausible as the air we breathe. The revelation of governments hacking units has brought light for a new domain of conflict: Cyberwarfare. Once a secret these government agencies were public revealed like the Equation Group as well as […]
Security researchers who analyzed the documents and hacking tools included in the last Shadow Brokers dump found a link to the Stuxnet virus. On Friday, the Shadow Brokers leaked a new bunch of files belonging to the alleged NSA arsenal. Security researchers who analyzed the documents and hacking tools included in the last dump have […]
The failure of the missile launch made the North Korea may have been thwarted by a cyber attack powered by the US Cyber Command. The crisis between the US and North Korea is increasing, Donald Trump warns his military may ‘have no choice’ to strike the rogue state. According to The Sun, US cyber soldiers may have […]