Digital ID

Pierluigi Paganini August 03, 2017
Former Bupa employee offered 1 million customer records for sale on dark web

Former Employee of the Healthcare giant Bupa offered for sale records of 1 Million clients on Dark Web. A former employee of healthcare giant Bupa was selling between 500,000 and 1 million records on the healthcare giant Bupa was selling between 500,000 and 1 million records on the dark web. The former employee whose identity […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 30, 2017
Apple removed iOS VPN apps from Chinese App Store in compliance to censorship law

In compliance with Chinese Internet monitoring law, Apple has started removing all IOS VPN apps from it App Store in China. The company complies with a request from the Chinese Government that wants to strict censorship making it harder for netizens to bypass the Great Firewall system (aka Golden Shield project). The Golden Shield project […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 25, 2017
32M is about to become the first in the US to implant a microchip to employees volunteers

The Wisconsin company Three Square Market (32M) is about to become the first in the U.S. to implant microchip to its voluntary employees. In April 2015, the security researcher Seth Wahl implanted an NFC Chip in his hand to bypass security scanners in a high-security environment and exploit Android mobile devices. Wahle used the NFC chip […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 24, 2017
The UK continues to grant the export of surveillance equipment to countries like Turkey

According to the UK’s Department for International Trade, the country granted a license to export surveillance equipment to Turkey earlier this year. The UK continues to be one of the most active countries involved in the trade of surveillance technology. British firms continue to export surveillance systems ranging from internet mass surveillance equipment to-catchers. According to the […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 23, 2017
Worst known governmental leak ever affected the Swedish Transport Agency. Homeland security at risk

Worst known governmental leak ever affected the Swedish Transport Agency, data includes records of members of the military secret units. Sweden might be the scenario for the worst known governmental leak ever, the Swedish Transport Agency moved all of its data to “the cloud,” but it transferred it to somebody else’s computer. The huge trove […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 20, 2017
Tor launches Bug Bounty Program, hackers can earn between $2,000 and $4,000 for high severity flaws

The Tor Project announced the launch of a public bug bounty program. Bug hunters can earn between $2,000 and $4,000 for high severity flaws. It’s official, the Tor Project announced the launch of a public bug bounty program through the HackerOne platform, the initiative was possible with support from the Open Technology Fund. “With support from the […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 17, 2017
SMS Phishing induces victims to photograph its own token card

Renato Marinho detailed an unusual SMS phishing campaign that hit Brazilian users. All started with an SMS message supposedly sent from his bank. Introduction Today I faced quite an unusual SMS phishing campaign here in Brazil. A friend of mine received an SMS message supposedly sent from his bank asking him to update his registration […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 11, 2017
Google will ban WoSign and StartCom certificates from Chrome 61

Google is going to completely ban digital certificates issued by the Chinese CA WoSign, and its subsidiary StartCom starting with Chrome 61. Recently Google warned website owners that it will completely ban digital certificates issued by the Chinese certificate authority WoSign and its subsidiary StartCom. The Tech giant will no longer trust the WoSign certificates starting […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 03, 2017
Telegram agrees to register in Russia, but it will not share private data

Telegram agrees to register with Russia authorities to avoid the local ban, but the battle is still ongoing because it won’t share user data. The Russian Government threatened to ban Telegram because it refused to comply data protection laws. “There is one demand, and it is simple: to fill in a form with information on […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 21, 2017
Three years ago ProtonMail was launched. Today, it is launching ProtonVPN

ProtonMail announced ProtonVPN is now available to the general public. ProtonVPN is officially out of beta. You can now directly get ProtonVPN by visiting After more than 1 year of development, and four months of beta testing by over 10’000 members of the ProtonMail community, we’re finally making ProtonVPN available to everyone. And we […]