Digital ID

Pierluigi Paganini December 01, 2011
“Mobile” intrigue … A prying eyes to carry around …

Let we use these ingredients to start some serious reflection on safety issues related to mobile devices: Robust growth in the mobile market, accompanied by technological advances that have made ​​these devices real PC. No awareness of those who use mobile terminals in relation to threats that they face. 2011 years of overtaking sales of […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 28, 2011
Cryptome, social networks and the inconvenient truth

Cryptome, known as Wikileaks’s competitor site  has published  online several reserved documents revealing that the police have access to information of social networks.  The documents describe how the police is able to access to Facebook user information or to the services provided by companies such as AOL and Microsoft. On Cryptome site are also available some guides that explains to cops how to investigate on a person who has used the Yahoo! Messenger. The […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 20, 2011
Elude control … let’s digitally sign malware code

F-Secure Researchers have discovered a digitally signed malware that has code signed with a stolen government certificate belonging to the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute. The issue has long been known and this attack methodic has triggered a widespread lack of confidence in the process of trusting based on the use of certificates. The impairment […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 17, 2011
Social Network “in-security”

In recent years social networks have succeeded  in the historic feat of bringing to the web a growing number of users. Jupiter users, the elderly, individuals and businesses all within the large network, many, too much, share the total awareness of what happens when they put their credentials or when attracted by a novice or by a video click on a link. Or this behavior often blind managers of the major social platforms do not provide useful information because it can spread real awareness of the threat they face. Social networks have […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 08, 2011
SSL replacement? Convergence for replacing CA … Maybe

After the Diginotar case , another certification authority, the dutch KPN has released a statement announcing the termination of their service following the discovery that it has been compromised. KPN stopped issuing certificates after the detection of DDOS Tool on Server during an audit. First investigations have illustrated that the CA has been attacked four years ago. What really scares KPN of the story is that the same company, even before being a CA, is a state telephone company, and this opens up frightening scenarios on the security […]