The last collection of top-secret slides leaked by Snowden and disclosed by media agencies reveal the hacking capabilities and platforms of Canadian CSE. The last collection of top-secret documents leaked by the whistleblower Edward Snowden, and published by The Intercept and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, leaked documents reveal the Canadians are a dab hand at cyber-stuff, […]
A cell of the ISIS has called on its members and backers in the US to kill 100 service members whose names, photos and addresses it posted online. The ISIS continues to scare the West, its operations are supported by a very aggressive media campaign that shares proclamations and recruit new followers in the name […]
Security researchers developed a new BIOS bootkit that exploit recently discovered vulnerabilities. The experts will present their study to the CanSecWest. BIOS bootkits are a reality despite there is little evidence of BIOS implants in the wild. The BIOS bootkits was mentioned when Snowden disclosed the catalog of surveillance tools used by the NSA ANT division, these malicious malware are […]
The Eu plans for a new European counter-terrorism unit that  will tackle extremists online in a joint effort of law enforcement from various states. Terrorists are exploiting the web for propaganda purpose and to menace the Western infidels for this reason intelligence agencies and law enforcement need to increase their efforts to tackle any kind of extremist […]
Experts at Kaspersky Lab published a detailed analysis of the EquationDrug platform and its modules developed by the Equation Group APT. Recently experts at Kaspersky Lab have uncovered the Equation Group hacking crew, the most sophisticated ever APT. Security researchers at Kaspersky Lab revealed that the capabilities of the Equation Group surpass anything known in […]
A new interesting report published by The Intercept details the effort spent by the US intelligence to compromise the security of Apple devices. The Intercept published another disconcerting post on the US Intelligence campaign aimed to steal the secrets of the IT giant Apple. According to top-secret documents disclosed by The Intercept a team of researchers working with the Central […]
A new collection of documents leaked by Edward Snowden shines light on shadowy New Zealand surveillance activities operated at the Waihopai Base. A new collection of documents leaked by Edward Snowden provides an interesting analysis of the relationship between the Five Eyes countries and the surveillance activities they managed. The documents published Saturday by the […]
After Babar malware, security researchers detected a new strain of malware dubbed Casper that appears to be linked to the France Intelligence. Surveillance is the primary goal of Intelligence Agencies worldwide, a few weeks ago cyber security researchers detected a new malware, dubbed Babar, that is considered a product of the French intelligence. According to the […]
The Indian Government bans third party email services, including Gmail and Yahoo, from its offices in order to protect government communications. The Indian government will be monitoring the online activities of official computers, blocking any content not comply with its policy. The authorities will intimate users and, as an ultimate measure, will have the right […]
New secret documents leaked by Snowden reveal that CSE monitors millions of Canadian emails to Government, but privacy advocates criticized how CSE does it. Privacy advocates and Canadians are worried by the last bunch of document leaked by Edward Snowden related to the surveillance activities conducted by the Canadian Security Establishment (CSE). The national broadcaster Canadian […]