
Pierluigi Paganini April 03, 2018
Grindr shared people’ HIV status with other companies

An analysis conducted by the Norwegian research nonprofit SINTEF revealed that the popular Grindr gay dating app is sharing its users’ HIV status with two other companies. Grindr gay-dating app made the headlines again, a few days ago an NBC report revealed that the app was affected by 2 security issues (now patched) that could have exposed […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 28, 2018
A flaw in the iOS camera QR code URL parser could expose users to attacks

A vulnerability in the iOS Camera App could be exploited by hackers to redirect users to a malicious website, the issue affects the built-in QR code reader. The iOS Camera App is affected by a bug that could be exploited by hackers to redirect users to a malicious website, the issue resides in the built-in QR code […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 26, 2018
Facebook collected call and SMS data from Android users if not explicitly forbidden

After the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook made the headlines again, the company collected users’ Android call and SMS metadata for years. The Cambridge Analytica case it raised the discussion about the power of social networks and the possibility of their abuse for the conditioning of political activities. The non-professionals have discovered how important their digital experience […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 22, 2018
TeleRAT, a new Android Trojan that uses Telegram for data exfiltration

Security experts at Palo Alto Networks discovered a new Android Trojan dubbed TeleRAT that uses Telegram Bot API to communicate with the command and control (C&C) server and to exfiltrate data. TeleRAT appears to be originating from and/or to be targeting individuals in Iran, experts found similarities with another Android malware dubbed IRRAT Trojan, which also leverages […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 05, 2018
New attacks on 4G LTE networks can allow to spy on users and spoof emergency alerts

A group of researchers discovered a number of weaknesses in the 4G LTE networks that could be exploited by attackers to eavesdrop on phone calls and text messages, knock devices offline, track location, and spoof emergency alerts. A group of researchers from Purdue and the University of Iowa have discovered a number of vulnerabilities affecting the […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 03, 2018
Over 40 models of low-cost Android devices shipped with Triada banking Trojan

Security researchers at Dr.Web have discovered over 40 models of low-cost Android smartphones are shipped with the dreaded Android Triada banking malware. Security researchers at Antivirus firm Dr.Web have discovered that 42 models of low-cost Android smartphones are shipped with the Android.Triada.231 banking malware. “In the middle of 2017, Doctor Web analysts discovered a new Trojan Android.Triada.231 in the firmware of some […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 01, 2018
RedDrop, a new Android Malware records ambient Audio and exfiltrate user’s data

RedDrop malware is a recently discovered mobile threat that can steal data from infected devices and also record ambient audio. Security researchers at Wandera have spotted a new sophisticated family of mobile malware dubbed RedDrop that can steal data, record audio, and intercept SMS. All data stolen from infected systems is uploaded to remote file storage systems. […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 27, 2018
Israeli mobile forensics firm Cellebrite can unlock every iPhone device on the market

The Israeli mobile forensics firm Cellebrite has designed a technology that allows it to unlock almost any iPhone, including the latest iPhone X. We have debated for a long time the legal dispute between Apple and the FBI for unlocking the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone 5c. The tech giant refused to help the US authorities to unlock the mobile […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 27, 2018
With Android P Google Plans To Prevent Cellphone Spying Through Your Camera and Microphone

Android P, is expected to include a neat feature that prevents apps running in the background from spying on you through the camera or microphone on your cell phone. Do you cover the lens on your webcam to prevent someone from spying on you? You should, and it seems like every security vendor has a […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 19, 2018
SIM Hijacking – T-Mobile customers were victims an info disclosure exploit

Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai published an interesting post on SIM hijacking highlighted the risks for the end users and their exposure to this illegal practice. In 2017, hackers stole some personal information belonging to T-Mobile customers by exploiting a well-known vulnerability. A video tutorial titled ‘T-Mobile Info Disclosure exploit’ showing how to use the flaw was also published […]