Pierluigi Paganini May 28, 2015
Mandrake, NSA identifies users based on how they type on their devices

According to a senior fellow for Lockheed IT, the National Security Agency has tested the use of smartphone-swipe recognition technology dubbed Mandrake. The NSA has developed a new technology, dubbed “Mandrake“, that can identify users from the way they swipe strokes and text on a smartphone screen. The news was reported by officials with Lockheed […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 22, 2015
The ISIS advances in the DeepWeb among Bitcoin and darknets

While members of the ISIS are continuing to explore the Deep Web for various activities, the US Intelligence plans activities to track them. The Dark Web is a privileged environment for cyber criminals and state-sponsored hackers due to the anonymity offered by its services. Unfortunately, another category of threat actors is exploiting the deep web, the terrorists, for […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 11, 2015
Skynet, the US top-secret program to track terrorists

Snowden revealed the existence of Skynet, a system designed by the NSA for online monitoring of terrorists and suspects through metadata analysis. Skynet is a real system designed by the NSA for online monitoring through metadata analysis, this is the last revelation made by the journalist Glenn Greenwald through the website The Intercept. The Intercept revealed the existence of a secret program called Skynet, […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 07, 2015
RHINEHART, VoiceRT, how NSA converted spoken words into text

A new collection of documents leaked by Snowden revealed how the US intelligence converts spoken conversation in indexable text with RHINEHART and VoiceRT tools. Following the disclosure of Top-secret documents provided by Edward Snowden everyone is aware of the risks of using any sort of communications methods, what was once private now it isn’t anymore, […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 25, 2015
Someone in the BND was helping the NSA, it’s scandal!

According new revelations published by the Der Spiegel the German intelligence agency BND helped NSA in monitoring European politicians. We discussed several times of the aggressive cyber espionage campaigns run by the US intelligence and its allies of Five Eyes (Canada, UK, New Zeland, Australia and, of course, the US). The Intelligence targeted private companies and entities worldwide in order to establish a dominance in the cyberspace. […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 23, 2015
How to discover NSA Quantum Insert attacks on your systems

Security experts at Fox-IT have developed a method for detecting NSA Quantum Insert attacks and have published an interesting post on the hacking practice. Security researchers at Fox-IT have developed a method for detecting NSA hacking activity operated through the Quantum Insert-style hacks. The team of experts has published free open-source tools to detect duplicate […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 13, 2015
Encryption Increases Its Popularity and US Is in a Dilemma

Encryption has been used by more people over time and this has led to the NSA and the US Government to suggest new ways of accessing encrypted content. The uprising course of encryption and the fact that its use has become a lot more frequent and continues on increasing in popularity has made the United States wonder how they […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 08, 2015
Snowden keeps saying that US is still catching our emails

The British television host scored a rare one-on-one interview in Moscow with Edward Snowden for the Sunday’s edition of the “John Oliver Tonight” show. A British channel hosted a rare interview with Snowden in Moscow, the interview was conducted by John Oliver from “John Oliver Tonight.” Aside from jokes like “Do you miss a hot […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 03, 2015
TrueCrypt doesn’t include a backdoor according to a security audit

The security audit of the popular encryption software TrueCrypt reveals the absence of the backdoor and other significant flaws exploitable by the NSA. The news of the day is the conclusion of the security audit of the popular encryption tool TrueCrypt that confirmed the absence of any backdoor neither critical design vulnerabilities inside the source code. TrueCrypt is a […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 26, 2015
Slides reveal Canadian CSE secret hacking capabilities

The last collection of top-secret slides leaked by Snowden and disclosed by media agencies reveal the hacking capabilities and platforms of Canadian CSE. The last collection of top-secret documents leaked by the whistleblower Edward Snowden, and published by The Intercept  and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,  leaked documents reveal the Canadians are a dab hand at cyber-stuff, […]