The co-creator of the Tor network confirmed that the Tor Project team is working to identify and fix the bug announced by researchers at Carnegie Mellon. Tor network is a system designed to anonymize user’s experience on the web, allowing the publishing of content in the part of web non indexed by search engines, dubbed DeepWeb. A […]
Apple has worked hard to make iOS devices reasonably secure but hidden services could be exploited to steal every user’s data in a stealthy way. Have you tried to enumerate the functionalities and services in your Apple iOS? You’d be surprised to find that numerous hidden features and services are not documented, some of them […]
Edward Snowden leaked a top-secret GCHQ document which details the operations and the techniques used by JTRIG unit for propaganda and internet deception. The JTRIG unit of the British GCHQ intelligence agency has designed a collection of applications that were used to manipulate for internet deception and surveillance, including the modification of the results of the […]
Security experts Alexander Volynkin and Michael McCord will present at the next Black Hat 2014 a method to break Tor network anonymity with just USD 3000. Is the popular Tor network broken? In the recent months, after the Showden’s revelations, many security experts have started to investigate on the possibility that the US intelligence, and […]
The German broadcaster ARD published a report that reveals that NSA XKeyscore has targeted two Germany-based Tor Directory Authority servers. The NSA surveillance program XKeyscore, according to a report published by German public broadcaster ARD, two Germany-based Tor Directory Authority servers have been targeted by the US intelligence. According to the report, the two cases are not isolated, in the past […]
A letter revealed that all the US Intelligence agencies have queried the Section 702 communications content for US persons in 2013. The Snowden case has caused an earthquake in the US intelligence, it is changing the way the principal US agencies are informing citizens of the some of the operation their ordinary conduct to ensure […]
The last collection of documents leaked by Snowden reveals the existence of the RAMPART-A program which allows NSA to tap into fiber optic cables worldwide Snowden’s leaked documents have revealed the complex spying machine used by NSA to implement its surveillance program. The last collection of secret files, published on Wednesday by journalists at The Intercept and […]
Israeli researchers presented the air-gap network hacking technique to compromise a system, even if it is isolated from the Internet, using a cellphone. Researchers at Ben Gurion University presented a study on the hacking technique dubbed air-gap network hacking which allows an attacker to inoculate a specific type of malware into a cellphone and use the mobile device as […]
Vodafone has recently issued the Law Enforcement Disclosure Report to reveal the existence of secret wires that allow state surveillance. Vodafone, one of the largest mobile carrier of the world has issued a document, titled “Law Enforcement Disclosure Report“, which describes the collaboration provided by the company to many governments for lawful interception for some of its 400 […]
A last revelation on the surveillance activities of British intelligence GCHQ confirms the existence of spy base tapping undersea cables in the Middle East. In the last year Edward Snowden has leaked many disconcerting documents for the surveillance activity conducted by the NSA and GCHQ intelligence agencies, the last revelation is related Britain covert spying programme, in particular the information on clandestine British base […]