The security researchers at security firm Sixgill discovered a new malware dubbed Nuke HTTP bot offered for sale on a forum in the Dark Web. Darknets are the right places where to find illegal product and services, it is quite easy to find malicious code and also botnets of any type. On December 16th, a […]
LeakedSource is down! According to a message appeared in the OGF forum, the popular data breach notification website has apparently been raided by feds. The Data breach notification website LeakedSource has apparently been raided by feds. The service is one of the most important available online, it reported some of the largest data breaches last year and now […]
According to the security firm Dr. Web , thousands of Linux-based devices have already been infected with the Linux.Proxy.10 Trojan. A new Trojan dubbed Linux.Proxy.10 is targeting Linux-based devices transforming them into proxy servers that are used by attackers to protect their anonymity while launching cyber attacks from the hacked systems. Linux.Proxy.10 was first discovered by […]
Russian authorities arrested Ruslan Stoyanov the head of the investigation unit at the Kaspersky Lab in ‘Treason Probe’. A sad news is shocking the IT security industry, the Russian authorities arrested Ruslan Stoyanov, one of the most important cybercrime investigators working for the Kaspersky Lab. Ruslan Stoyanov is the head of the investigation unit at […]
A newly observed spam campaign is spreading a ransomware variant known as Sage 2.0 that is demanding a $2,000 ransom for the decryption key. Sage 2.0 is a new ransomware recently spotted by security experts, it was first observed in December and not now it is distributed via malicious spam. Sage is considered a variant of CryLocker ransomware, […]
Saudi Arabia is warning organizations in the country of a resurrection of the dreaded Shamoon malware. A new strain of the Shamoon 2 malware was spotted by the security experts at Palo Alto Networks, this variant targets virtualization products. Shamoon, also known as Disttrack, was first spotted in a wave of attacks that targeted companies in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Among the […]
Security researchers at Symantec believed that Shamoon 2 attacks leveraged credentials stolen by hackers of the Greenbug group. A few days ago security experts at Palo Alto Networks have spotted a new strain of the Shamoon 2 malware that was targeting virtualization products. In December malware researchers from Palo Alto Networks and Symantec discovered a new variant of Shamoon, so-called […]
Antivirus firm Dr. Web spotted a new Android malware dubbed BankBot that is based on a source code that was leaked on an underground forum. Bad news for Android users, researchers from the Russian antivirus maker Dr. Web have reported that the source code for another Android banking malware has been leaked on an underground hacking […]
The New York Times is investigating the hack of its Twitter video account (@nytvideo) that was used to post a fake news on Sunday morning. @nytvideo is the newspaper is the New York Times video account and has more than 250,000 followers on the platform. Yesterday around 9:40 a.m. ET the Twitter account shared a fake news […]
The money transfer leader company Western Union has agreed to forfeit $586 million to settle fraud charges and admitted it facilitated scammers. Money transfer leader company Western Union has admitted to facilitating wire fraud and it has agreed to pay $586 million to settle fraud charges from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice. The services […]