Cyber warfare

Pierluigi Paganini January 25, 2018
A look into the cyber arsenal used by Lazarus APT hackers in recent attacks against financial institutions

Security experts at Trend Micro have analyzed malware and a tool used by the Lazarus APT group in the recent attacks against financial institutions. Security experts at Trend Micro have analyzed the attacks conducted by the notorious Lazarus APT group against financial institutions. The activity of the Lazarus Group surged in 2014 and 2015, its […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 19, 2018
Dark Caracal APT – Lebanese intelligence is spying on targets for years

A new long-running player emerged in the cyber arena, it is the Dark Caracal APT, a hacking crew associated with to the Lebanese General Directorate of General Security that already conducted many stealth hacking campaigns. Cyber spies belonging to Lebanese General Directorate of General Security are behind a number of stealth hacking campaigns that in […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 12, 2018
Is the INSCOM (U.S. Army Intelligence & Security Command) working on a PSYOPS software?

The INSCOM (U.S. Army Intelligence & Security Command) is working on a software that could be used to monitor social media and influence the sentiment on specific topics. We have a long discussed the possible use of social media for both intelligence gathering and PSYOPs operations. In 2013 I wrote an interesting post about Social Media use in the […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 10, 2018
Turla APT group’s espionage campaigns now employs Adobe Flash Installer and ingenious social engineering

Turla APT group’s espionage campaigns now employs Adobe Flash Installer and an ingenious social engineering technique, the backdoor is downloaded from what appears to be legitimate Adobe URLs and IP addresses. Security researchers from ESET who have analyzed recent cyber espionage campaigns conducted by the dreaded Turla APT group reported that hackers leverage on malware downloaded from […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 08, 2018
US National Security Agency Director Admiral Mike Rogers to Retire

After a four-year term, the National Security Agency Director Admiral Mike Rogers plans to retire, he sent a letter to its staff on Friday informing them that he would depart next spring. After a four-year term, the National Security Agency chief Admiral Mike Rogers plans to retire within months. The Admiral Mike Rogers was chosen by President Barack Obama in 2014 […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 24, 2017
Financially motivated attacks reveal the interests of the Lazarus APT Group

Researchers at security firm Proofpoint collected evidence of the significant interest of the Lazarus APT group in cryptocurrencies, the group’s arsenal of tools, implants, and exploits is extensive and under constant development. Researchers at security firm Proofpoint collected evidence of the significant interest of the Lazarus APT group in cryptocurrencies. The North Korea-Linked hackers launched several multistage attacks that […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 19, 2017
The thin line between BlackEnergy, DragonFly and TeamSpy attacks

Experts from McAfee Labs collected evidence that links DragonFly malware to other hacking campaigns, like BlackEnergy and TeamSpy attacks. On September 6, Symantec published a detailed analysis of the Dragonfly 2.0 campaign that targeted dozens of energy companies this year. Threat actor is the same behind the Dragonfly campaign observed in 2014. Further analysis conducted […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 18, 2017
Information Warfare At Bay – The Dangers of Russian Menace to Underwater Internet Critical Infrastructure

British Armed Forces chief has warned that Russia could compromise underwater communication cables causing severe damage to the financial global economy It came as silently as a fatal heart stroke, and now the dangers of Russian Cyber Warfare materializes into reality. Join us to uncover this cripple and stealth threat to our global community. As […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 15, 2017
Lazarus APT Group targets a London cryptocurrency company

Security experts from Secureworks revealed the Lazarus APT group launched a spearphishing campaign against a London cryptocurrency company. The dreaded Lazarus APT group is back and launched a spearphishing campaign against a London cryptocurrency company to steal employee credentials. The activity of the Lazarus Group surged in 2014 and 2015, its members used mostly custom-tailored malware in their attacks […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 15, 2017
US Military wants cyber warriors along with soldiers on the Battlefield

Cyber warriors and soldiers will fight together on the battlefield, the US Army will soon send its cyber experts to support the conventional army. The news was reported by officials this week, it confirms the strategic importance of Information warfare in the modern military. Cyber warriors will be engaged in the offensive against enemy computer networks. The Army is […]