Cyber warfare

Pierluigi Paganini October 31, 2017
Gaza Cybergang is back, it leverages new tools against new targets

Gaza Cybergang threat actor it is back again, this time it is targeting organizations in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Gaza Cybergang is a threat actor that is believed to be linked to the Palestinian organization Hamas, it is back again targeting organizations in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. According to the […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 27, 2017
UK Government links the WannaCry attack that crippled NHS to North Korea

UK Government blamed North Korea for the WannaCry attack that affected a third of English hospitals. “This attack, we believe quite strongly that it came from a foreign state,” Ben Wallace, a junior minister for security, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. “North Korea was the state that we believe was involved in this worldwide attack,” […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 26, 2017
Kaspersky: Hackers used backdoored MS Office key-gen to steal NSA exploits

According to Kaspersky, the PC was hacked after the NSA employee installed a backdoored key generator for a pirated copy of Microsoft Office. More details emerge from the story of the hack of the Kaspersky antivirus that allowed Russian intelligence to stole secret exploits from the personal PC of the NSA staffer. The PC was […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 24, 2017
Latest Russia-linked APT28 campaign targeting security experts

Russian cyber espionage group APT28 targeted individuals with spear-phishing messages using documents referencing a NATO cybersecurity conference. Researchers with Cisco Talos have spotted a Russian cyber espionage group targeting individuals with spear-phishing messages using documents referencing a NATO cybersecurity conference. Experts attributed the attack to the dreaded Russian APT28 group, aka Pawn Storm, Fancy Bear, Sofacy, Group 74, Sednit, […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 22, 2017
DHS and FBI warn of ongoing attacks on energy firms and critical infrastructure

The US DHS and the FBI have issued a warning that APT groups are actively targeting energy firms and critical infrastructure. The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the FBI have issued a warning that APT groups are actively targeting government departments, and firms working in the energy, nuclear, water, aviation, and critical manufacturing […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 22, 2017
APT28 group is rushing to exploit recent CVE-2017-11292 Flash 0-Day before users apply the patches

The APT28 group is trying to exploit the CVE-2017-11292 Flash zero-day before users receive patches or update their systems. Security experts at Proofpoint collected evidence of several malware campaigns, powered by the Russian APT28 group, that rely on a Flash zero-day vulnerability that Adobe patched earlier this week. According to the experts who observed attacks on organizations […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 19, 2017
Cyber espionage – China-Linked group leverages recently patched .NET Flaw

Security researchers at Proofpoint spotted a cyber espionage campaign conducted by a group previously linked to China. The hackers have been using a recently patched .NET vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2017-8759, in attacks aimed at organizations in the United States. “Proofpoint researchers are tracking an espionage actor targeting organizations and high-value targets in defense and government. […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 18, 2017
BAE Systems report links Taiwan heist to North Korean LAZARUS APT

Researchers at BAE Systems investigated the recent cyber-heist that targeted a bank in Taiwan and linked the action to the notorious Lazarus APT group. The activity of the Lazarus APT Group surged in 2014 and 2015, its members used mostly custom-tailored malware in their attacks and experts that investigated on the crew consider it highly sophisticated. […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 16, 2017
Iranian hackers compromised the UK leader Theresa May’s email account along with other 9,000 emails

Iranian hackers compromised 9,000 UK emails in ‘brute force’ cyber attack that was initially attributed to Russian state-sponsored hackers. On June 23, around 9,000 email accounts, including those belonging to Theresa May and other Cabinet Ministers, were hacked in the 12-hour “sustained and determined” attack cyber attack. “According to intelligence officials, the cyberattack “bombarded parliamentary email […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 15, 2017
Swedish transport agencies targeted in DDoS cyber attacks

Swedish transport agencies were hit by cyber attacks on Wednesday and Thursday, October 11 and 12, is it Information Warfare? Swedish transport authorities were hit by cyber attacks on Wednesday and Thursday, October 11 and 12. The attacks have brought down several IT systems causing delays of the train transportation. The first attack hit the Sweden Transport […]