A security researcher presented a method to exfiltrate sensitive data from a laptop or a smartphone through built-in ambient light sensors. The security expert Lukasz Olejnik discovered that it is possible to steal sensitive data exploiting the ambient light sensors built-in many smartphones and laptops. The ambient light sensors are installed on electronic devices to […]
Microsoft published the biannual transparency report – The number of US foreign intelligence surveillance requests more than doubled. Microsoft shared data included in the biannual transparency report, the IT giant received more than double what the company said it received under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) during the preceding six months. Microsoft Corp announced […]
A group of researchers has demonstrated that attackers can steal PINs and Passwords capturing data from smartphone sensors. Modern mobile devices are full of sensors (i.e. GPS, Camera, microphone, accelerometer, magnetometer, proximity, gyroscope, pedometer, and NFC) that could be exploited by hackers to gather data about owner’s activities? A group of researchers from Newcastle University demonstrated that […]
Thousands of users of the Microsoft searchable Docs.com service have inadvertently exposed passwords and other private information on the Internet. Bad news for thousands of users of the Microsoft searchable Docs.com service who have inadvertently exposed passwords and other private information on the Internet. The Docs.com service allows people to easily exchange documents, it implements a useful […]
Fappening 2.0, Nude pictures of several celebrities have been leaked online, including Rose McGowan, Amanda Seyfried and Jillian Murray. Here we are speaking again of Fappening, new nude pictures of celebrities have been leaked online. In 2014 for the first time, several lots of private photographs of celebrities were leaked online, the phenomenon was dubbed […]
Privacy Guard is an Android app that evaluates the risks of data privacy relying on the permissions requested by the apps installed on a device. Mobile devices collect a large volume of personal information that could be used for malicious purposes by adversaries. In order to increase the awareness of user towards the possibility of […]
Facebook company and Instagram will not allow developers scanning their social media profiles for surveillance activities. Facebook and it app Instagram have updated the terms and conditions to prevent developers from scanning social media profiles for surveillance activities. A report recently published revealed the US Department of Homeland Security used software to scan social media […]
WikiLeaks announced is working with software makers on Zero-Days by sharing information on the hacking tools included in the Vault7 dump with them. WikiLeaks announced on Tuesday that it has obtained thousands of files allegedly originating from a high-security network of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The Wikileaks dump, called âVault7,â exposed the hacking […]
Confide App, the secure messaging app used by staffers in the White House and on Capitol Hill is not as secure as the company claims. Confide is the secure messaging app used by President Donald Trump’s staffers for their secret communication. The official website of the application defines the encryption implemented by the mobile application […]
These are some of the top methods you can use to browse the internet securely and anonymously. Even as the world becomes more aware of the imminent threat to our online privacy, few people understand the need to hide crucial information, such as IP addresses and private data streams, from entities such as our Internet […]