
Pierluigi Paganini January 23, 2016
New RAT Trochilus, a sophisticated weapon used by cyber spies

Researchers spotted a new espionage campaign relying on a number of RATs including the powerful Trochilus threat. Security experts have uncovered a new remote access Trojan (RAT) named Trochilus that is able to evade sandbox analysis. The Trochilus malware was used to targeted attacks in multi-pronged cyber espionage operations. Experts at Arbor Networks uncovered a cyber […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 22, 2016
Potentially backdoored AMX equipment being used by US President Obama and US Military

Experts from the security firm SEC Consult discovered a backdoor in the AMX equipment being used by US President Obama and the US Military. AMX is a company that supplies communications systems and building control equipment to the US military, the White House and many other security organizations in the States. The particularity of these systems is the […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 18, 2016
National Security Agency says US Govt new spying program meets security standards

National Security Agency says the US Govt surveillance programme for collecting domestic telephone records rmeets security standards The United States government’s updated spying program for gathering native people’ phone records has passed the muster as far as civil and privacy principles, the NSA (National Security Agency) claims. The new structure, which was executed in November […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 16, 2016
Canada – Military data found in hard drive at the recycling depot

A man has found a 30-gigabyte hard drive at a recycling depot in Halifax containing at least 10 GB Canadian military data. According to the Canadian CBC, a man named Pete Stevens has found a 30-gigabyte hard drive at a recycling depot in Halifax. The media support contains personal information including the names and numbers of defence […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 14, 2016
Amaq, the new ISIS Android App for secure communications

The IS has developed an Android app dubbed Amaq Agency app demonstrating how powerful modern communications technology can be for a radical group. Which are the communication channels used by members of the ISIS? Which are the messaging services they use? These are the main questions for the Western Intelligence that is attempting to track […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 12, 2016
Shocking, Teen hacker Cracka owned head of US intelligence James Clapper

Head of US intelligence James Clapper owned by the same hacker who broke into CIA director Brennan’s personal email account. According to Motherboard, a hacker associated with the “Crackas With Attitude” group has accessed accounts belonging to the director of National Intelligence, James Clapper. Yes, you are right, Crackas With Attitude is the same teenager who took […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 11, 2016
The German intelligence agency BND resumed surveillance activities with the NSA support

According to the German media the German intelligence agency BND has resumed the monitoring activities conducted in a joint effort with the US NSA. It seems that the German government has never suspended the surveillance activities on its unaware population, to be precise monitoring activities conducted in a joint effort with the US NSA have been […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 11, 2016
Juniper will drop a function alleged developed by the NSA for surveillance

Juniper Networks announced on Friday it would stop using the security code that experts believe was developed by NSA for surveillance purpose. The Juniper Networks company announced last week it would stop using a portion of code that security experts believe was developed by the National Security Agency in order for surveillance purposes. The code that relies on […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 10, 2016
Why PS4 is not so secure for the ISIS members’ communication?

Duo Labs demonstrated that there’s no reason to think that PS4 or Xbox are any more secure than anything else when dealing secret communication. Members of the ISIS terrorist group make large use of technology, security experts believe that it is radical organization with the greatest cyber capabilities in the history. Recently a footage published […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 09, 2016
Islamic State launches the Kybernetiq magazine for cyber jihadists

The Islamic State launches a new cyber war magazine for jihadists titled Kybernetiq that instructs militants about technology. The ISIS continues to demonstrate great communication capabilities, the dreaded radical organisation not only master social media for its propaganda, but now has launched a magazine titled Kybernetiq. The magazine aims to instruct jihadist on how to participate in the cyber war against the […]