US Army Military experts urge the establishment of an Army Vulnerability Response Program (AVRP),  a sort of military bug bounty program. What happen when bug hunters have to work with high sensitive environment? An interesting post published by the Cyber Defense Review raises the discussion about the was way to handle vulnerabilities in the information security infrastructure of the […]
In Israel there is an advanced cyber security industry, based mostly on veterans from two intelligence units, the cyber labor market is a new guild. Cyber technology could be a catalyst to equality in the labor market. Its power is seeded in the ability of everyone to gain skills without social entry barriers. To succeed […]
Cyber Security Expert Mikko Hyppönen worries about cyber terrorists belonging to the Islamic State (ISIL or ISIS) have a credible offensive cyber capability The popular Cyber security expert Mikko Hyppönen,  Chief Research Officer for F-Secure, said he worries about cyber extremists that could penetrate critical infrastructure and cause serious damages. The expert explained that the ISIS is probably […]
The German authorities have launched a probe into allegations of a new case of US espionage after they have found a laptop infected by the Regin Spyware. The German authorities have launched a probe into allegations of a new cyber-espionage campaign that is suspected to be linked to the US intelligence. The news was revealed […]
Now that it is known a critical flaw in the Diffie-Hellman key-exchange protocol was exploited by the NSA to break the internet encryption, how to stop it? Recently a group of researchers has revealed how the NSA has cracked HTTPS, SSH, and VPNs rely on the Diffie-Hellman encryption by exploiting a wrong implementation of the cryptographic algorithm. The […]
The Pawn Storm APT group set up rogue VPN and SFTP servers to target Dutch Safety Board employees involved in the MH17 crash investigation. July 17, 2014, Flight MH17, traveling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, was shot down by a missile in mysterious circumstances. Flight MH17 was flying over a conflict zone in eastern Ukraine […]
Wikileaks has obtained and immediately released the CIA Director John Brennan private emails. It is a first lot, others will be soon published. A few days ago a teen has violated the CIA Director’s private email account and leaked sensitive files including a 47-page  Mr. Brennanâs application for top-secret security clearance. The teenager also disclosed a partial Spreadsheet containing […]
A new collection of documents disclosed by a new whistleblower and leaked online by The Intercept revealed new inconvenient truth on drone wars. Many USA government documents were leaked in the past years, Chelsea Manning, WikiLeaks, Edward Snowden showed the world that activists were behind. They are responsible for the disclosure of inconvenient truth. Governments […]
A young hacker violated the CIA Director’s personal email account and leaked sensitive files including a top-secret application for a security clearance. A high-school student claims to have hacked the personal email account of the CIA Director John Brennan. CIA and the US law enforcement agencies are investigating on the case. The teen told the New York […]
A new research conducted by Citizen Lab revealed that the number of governments using the FinFisher surveillance software has increased. Researchers at Citizen Lab have been monitoring the use of surveillance tools like FinFisher over the past years reporting its use by totalitarian governments. The researchers tracked the physical locations of servers belonging to the control infrastructure used […]