
Pierluigi Paganini October 04, 2018
China planted tiny chips on US computers for cyber espionage

China used tiny chips implanted on computer equipment manufactured for US companies and government agencies to steal secret information. According to a report published by Bloomberg News, China used tiny chips implanted on computer equipment manufactured for US companies and government agencies, including Amazon and Apple, to steal secret information. The tiny chips have a size […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 30, 2018
Security Affairs newsletter Round 182 – News of the week

A new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter arrived! The best news of the week with Security Affairs. Let me inform you that my new book, “Digging in the Deep Web” is online with a special deal 20% discount Kindle Edition Paper Copy Once again thank you! ·      Hackers target Port of Barcelona, maritime operations […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 26, 2018
Former NSA TAO hacker sentenced to 66 months in prison over Kaspersky Leak

Former NSA TAO hacker was sentenced to 66 months in prison because he leaked top-secret online documents related to the US government ban on Kaspersky. A former member of the NSA’s Tailored Access Operations hacking team was sentenced to 66 months in prison because he leaked top-secret online documents related to the US government ban on Kaspersky software. The former NSA hacker is Nghia […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 23, 2018
Security Affairs newsletter Round 181 – News of the week

A new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter arrived! The best news of the week with Security Affairs. Let me inform you that my new book, “Digging in the Deep Web” is online with a special deal 20% discount Kindle Edition Paper Copy Once again thank you! Cyber attack took offline flight display screens at […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 15, 2018
Dutch expelled two Russian spies over hack plan on Swiss lab working on Skripal case

Dutch intelligence services arrested two alleged Russian spies that were planning to hack a Swiss laboratory where is ongoing an investigation on the poisoning of the spy Sergei Skripal. According to Dutch-based NRC newspaper and Swiss daily Tages-Anzeiger, Dutch intelligence services arrested two alleged Russian spies working for Russia’s GRU military intelligence service on suspicion of planning to […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 14, 2018
Iran-Linked OilRig APT group targets high-ranking office in a Middle Eastern nation

Researchers from the Unit42 at Palo Alto Networks observed Iran-Linked OilRig APT group targeting high-ranking office in a Middle Eastern nation The Iran-linked APT group OilRig continues to very active, it continues to improve the weapons in its arsenal. The OilRig hacker group has been around since at least 2015, since then it targeted mainly organizations in the financial and government […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 09, 2018
Domestic Kitten – An Iranian surveillance operation under the radar since 2016

CheckPoint uncovered an extensive surveillance operation conducted by Iranian APT actor and tracked as Domestic Kitten aimed at specific groups of individuals. Researchers at security firm CheckPoint uncovered an extensive surveillance operation conducted by Iranian APT actor and tracked as Domestic Kitten aimed at specific groups of individuals. Cyber spies used malicious mobile apps that […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 07, 2018
US charges North Korea agent over Sony Pictures hack and WannaCry

The U.S. Department of Justice charged a North Korea agent over WannaCry and 2014 Sony Pictures Entertainment Hack. The U.S. Department of Justice announces charges against a North Korean government spy that was involved in the massive WannaCry ransomware attack and the 2014 Sony Pictures Entertainment hack. “the Justice Department charged on Thursday in a 174-page criminal complaint that detailed how […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 05, 2018
CrowdStrike uncovered a new campaign of GOBLIN PANDA APT aimed at Vietnam

Researchers from security firm CrowdStrike have observed a new campaign associated with the GOBLIN PANDA APT group. Experts from security firm CrowdStrike have uncovered a new campaign associated with the GOBLIN PANDA APT group. The group also knows as Cycldek was first spotted in September 2013, it was mainly targeting entities in Southeast Asia using different malware variants mainly PlugX and […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 28, 2018
Iran-linked COBALT DICKENS group targets universities in new phishing campaign

Experts from SecureWorks discovered a large phishing campaign targeting universities carried out by an Iran-linked threat actor COBALT DICKENS. Security firm SecureWorks has uncovered a new phishing campaign carried out by COBALT DICKENS APT targeting universities worldwide, it involved sixteen domains hosting more than 300 spoofed websites for 76 universities in 14 countries, including Australia, Canada, China, Israel, […]