
Pierluigi Paganini June 04, 2012
The hacktivism phenomenon

Article published on The Malta Indipendent The last years have been characterised by the escalation of operations conducted by hacktivist groups, such as the famous Anonymous, which have expressed social dissent through cyber attacks. In contemporary society technology plays a crucial role, and is used as a new cultural vehicle and even aggregation element. It’s a […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 03, 2012
‘Olyimpic Games’ and boomerang effect, it isn’t sport but cyber war

For years, we discuss the authorship of what is considered one of the most offensive cyber weapon of history, Stuxnet, a thousand voices were compared on the difficult question alternating assertions and denials. Always the principal international experts have suggested the U.S. as the authors of the cyber threat, but the main U.S. authorities have […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 02, 2012
How to use Tor Metrics to discover censorship, the Ethiopia case

Tor Metrics Cyber intelligence units are working to develop tools and applications for a deep inspection of the hidden web with the intent of steal classified secret documents of a potential adversary and to maintain the control over cybercrime and terrorists activities and communications. Let’s start from the beginning, which are the available metrics to […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 01, 2012
Wake up Anonymous, the world is getting used to you!

What is happening to Anonymous? His media energy seems to be at risk addiction just when major security firm are beginning to consider it as one of the most dangerous cyber threat. The feeling that comes from outside is that the group of hacktivist is slowly falling apart, the feeling is that within the group are mixed stirring souls. Some groups are more aware on […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 31, 2012
Israel and Iran, expense, capabilities and cyber strategies

In recent days the discovery of Flame malware  has captured the attention of the media, the internet is monopolized by related news, many experts have identified Israel as the author of the technological miracle, a perfect tool for cyber espionage that could suddenly mutate in an offensive cyber threat. It’s clear that Iran share same conviction, the government of Teheran beliefs that behind the last wave of attacks there are the Western enemies and Israel, of […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 30, 2012
Flame malware, from genesis to the plot theory

In this article I desire to discuss about many personal doubts and beliefs regarding the Flame malware, first my idea that we are facing with a new powerful cyber weapon. In the same hours  the Iranian Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination CenterLab,   CrySyS Lab and Kaspersky Lab have published news regarding the new malware that […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 29, 2012
China-made US military chip, security backdoor or debugging functionality?

During last days an insistent news circulated on the internet, a microchip used by the US military and manufactured in China contains a secret “backdoor” that make possible a remote control of the devices. The disclosure is attributed to Cambridge University’s Computing Laboratory, it’s clear the media impact of similar news in security environments, an […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 28, 2012
CIA, FBI, NSA, differents agencies for an unique intent…global monitoring

We have discussed several times regarding the intention of the FBI to create a special unit for internet monitoring and surveillance, a task force established to prevent and fight cyber crimes .In reality the Bureau already has different internal units that work with the same purpose and in the last years has promoted different projects […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 26, 2012
DDoS attack against 123-reg, the Chinese paranoia

The UK’s companies 123-reg, the biggest domain provider,  was hit this week by a “massive” DDoS attack that caused interruption of the services provided. The company hosts three million domain names and more than 1.4 million sites. According a press published on the company web site, later removed, the attack came from a Chinese source […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 26, 2012
Al Qaeda continues to frighten the U.S, the cyber war is begun

Many experts are convinced that the death of Bin Laden marked the end of an ideological group that has been beheaded of its leaders and that began to slowly fall apart. The same experts are convinced that from the rubble of the group might begin small groups, definitely dangerous, but without a central coordination that […]