
Pierluigi Paganini May 20, 2013
Operation Hangover, the Indian Cyberattack Infrastructure

Operation Hangover is the title of a report published by Norman Shark that details a sophisticated cyberattack infrastructure that appears to originate from India, conducted by private threat actors with no evidence of state-sponsorship. Operation Hangover, this is the name assigned by Norman Shark’s security analyst team to an interesting report revealing a large and sophisticated cyber-attack […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 20, 2013
WSIS Forum 2013 – Securing Cyberspace in a borderless world

“Securing Cyberspace in a borderless world: Vision 2015 and Beyond” is the title of a High Level Dialogue that was held during The World Summit on the Information Society Forum (WSIS) 2013. The World Summit on the Information Society Forum (WSIS) represents the world’s largest annual gathering of the ICT for development  community, the event is organized […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 18, 2013
Nir Goldshlager reveals how to hack Facebook Apps

The popular security expert Nir Goldshlager found  a serious vulnerability that allows attackers to post spoofed messages from any application on Facebook. Facebook has many vulnerabilities exactly as any other software and daily hackers try to exploit them, the primary concerns of security experts are related to flaws in the popular social network that could all […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 16, 2013
US Air Force notice on military use of social media

US Air Force published a notice that includes a paragraph on the use of  social media platforms for computer network exploitation. In the recent months I had the opportunity to conduct an interesting study on the use of Social Media in the Military Sector, large diffusion of media platforms makes them very attractive for governments […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 16, 2013
Mobile Threat Report for Q1 2013, the monopoly of Android malware

F-Secure published the Mobile Threat Report for Q1 2013 that reveals Malware targeting Android devices is rapidly growing in both the number of variants detected and in their complexity and sophistication. F-Secure has published the Mobile Threat Report for Q1 2013, an interesting document that the security firm periodically issues giving information on the evolution […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 15, 2013
Bloomberg data breach, online 10,000 private messages

Bloomberg was the victim of an accident data breach, financial data and news service posted online more than 10,000 private messages. Bloomberg was the victim of an accident data breach, a shocking news reported that financial data and news service posted online more than 10,000 private messages between traders and clients at some of the […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 13, 2013
The offensive approach to cybersecurity, motivations and risks

Cybersecurity goes to the offensive, law enforcement and private companies are discussing the possibility to adopt an offensive approach to defend their assets from the continuous cyber attacks. The press is getting used to news of cyber attacks against companies and government agencies, to date, the trend of the representatives of the cybersecurity of these entities […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 12, 2013
Apple decrypts seized iPhones for law enforcement

Apple can “bypass the security software” if it chooses, accoring ATF no law enforcement agency could unlock a defendant’s iPhone except Apple that has created a police waiting list because of high demand. Apple is considered an impregnable fortress, the main functions provided by the iOS operating system and related data are inaccessible to ill-intentioned but […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 09, 2013
China vs US mutual accusations, the cyber cold war is begun

China and US governments continue to exchange accusations about the continuing incursions into the respective national networks. China and US governments continue to exchange accusations about the continuing incursions into the respective national networks, the cyber attacks are mainly motivated by sabotage and cyber espionage purposes and are increasing exponentially. US government and intelligence agencies […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 08, 2013
OpUSA, Anonymous against US Banking and Government offices

OpUSA campaing is officially started, the day has come, today May 7 as announced by Anonymous, a coordinated online attack will hit Banking and government websites. OpUSA campaing is officially started, the day has come, today May 7th as announced by Anonymous, a coordinated online attack against will hit banking and government websites. The announcement made by popular group of hacktivists is creating great […]