Article published on The Malta Indipendent Ron Kelson, Pierluigi Paganini, Fabian Martin, David Pace, Benjamin Gittins The explosion of social networks and new user accounts in recent years is staggering. There are now over 1,000 social networking sites on the Internet, with Facebook currently being the largest, with over 840 million user profiles. To put this […]
Article published on Hakin9 IT Security Magazine – August 2012 When we speak about malware we introduce one of the worst cyber threat that daily evolve with the capacity to hit every sector without distinction. The world “malware” is really generic, we refer in fact a heterogeneous family of malicious software designed with the purpose […]
This is an hot summer under the malware perspective, we have spoken of new malware for cyber espionage and of new fraud schemas based on malicious software diffusion. Many experts use to avoid malware diffusion making risky navigation and operations in a Virtual environment, a paradigm that is having a great diffusion in the last […]
The FBI has launched an alert titled “Citadel Malware Continues to Deliver Reveton Ransomware in Attempts to Extort Money “ One of the sectors most targeted by cyber attacks and by malware is the banking, during the last months we have read several times of agents developed to steal credentials of accounts and to realize complex frauds. […]
Last week it has been registered a serious cyber attack against one of the world’s largest energy companies, the Saudi Aramco, and a group named the Arab Youth Group has claimed responsibility for the event. The group posted a message on Pastebin, declaring that the attack has been carried out to protest against the Saudi […]
Article published on The Malta Indipendent Ron Kelson, Pierluigi Paganini, Fabian Martin, David Pace, Benjamin Gittins “Be social” is the buzzword of recent years. No matter whether we are at home, in the gym, at work, or elsewhere, we are haunted by the need to be part of something online. We live alternative online lives, and we have dense networks of […]
Shamoon is a new threat that scares security experts, it is able to destroy files on victim’s PC and overwrite the master boot record of its disks. The cyberspace has no peace, every time a malware or a botnet is detected and neutralized a new cyber threat is coming, this time a new agent scare […]
Article Published on The Hacker New Magazine – August Edition “Botnet” Introduction The nightmare of millions of infected computers synchronized to conduct an attack on specific target finds materialization in the concept of botnet. In the classic architecture each machine, named bot, executes orders sent by a master unit called bootmaster, which can instruct the various […]
In this days I have written several times regarding surveillance systems and the huge business around it. Private companies, government agencies and cyber units are all working to develop new tools to spy on wide audience. This tools are really attractive for those governments that desire to monitor and pursue dissident, in many cases these […]
Two days ago, reading the news that lawful interception malware FinFisher was discovered in the wild I thought … “wow finally we have the evidence, probably we will debate for a long time regarding the use of this tool and of similar agents” But as fate would have it the same day came the news […]