Article Published on The Hacker New Magazine – June Edition “Malware” With the term malware we refer a heterogeneous family of malicious software designed with the purpose to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain unauthorized access to victims systems. With the term we indicate in fact several types of malicious code such as computer […]
The Flame case has raised the question on the real cyber warfare capabilities of every country, we have spoken of the strong commitment of Indian and German government, praising the US capabilities for the involvement in operations such as the “Olympic Games” project. But what are the real cyber capabilities of the United States? No […]
The demand of anonymity services is increased in response to the increase network monitoring and censorship,but the anonymity is a concept that induces fear. Everyday, all our web actions leave traces of ourselves and of our way of life through the storing of massive amounts of personal data in databases in the internet, all these information […]
Excerpt from the article published on the last edition of PenTest AUDITING & STANDARDS 05 2012. The article offers an overview on cyber security issues relating to sports events, competitions that are a priority target for terrorists and cyber criminals. What weight has the information security component on the overall organization? An analysis of the main types of computer attacks and possible consequences in a highly critical contest such as a sporting event. Introduction Whenever we see a major sporting event we […]
There isn’t peace for social network platforms, priority target for cybercrime and governments, they represent a mine of data useful for business and espionage. After the news of the LinkedIN hack, also Twitter have been successfully attacked by a group of hacktivist named LulzSec Reborn that has leaked user credentials of more of 10,000 accounts. […]
Patch management is one area where many IT organizations struggle. The operating systems vendors have done a good job with providing easy patching solutions for their products, but there are so many third party applications out there to patch that it can become an impossible task. With new vulnerabilities announced each week, keeping up with […]
During the Global Media and Technology Summit Eugene Kaspersky, CEO of Kaspersky Lab, revealed to the Reuters agency that the team of experts of his company has found strong similarities between part of the Flame source code and a 2009 version of Stuxnet. The news is really surprising, the analogies demonstrate that behind the development […]
Again Anonymous, again another hack in the name of freedom and against the censorship, this time the famous Anonymous have attacked the Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL), bringing down its web site because the company is responsible of internet monitoring and censoring. The group posted on their website the following message ”We are against Internet […]
The new is disturbing, according to former and current intelligence sources Chinese companies have the ability to remotely access to the communication equipments sold to the United States and Western Countries. The revelation made by the open source intelligence company Lignet reinforces a lot of concerns about the possible presence of backdoors in communications devices […]
According to a post of Eric Grosse, VP of security engineering at Google, on Google Online Security blog the company is constantly monitoring the web for malicious activity on its systems, with particular attention to attacks made by third parties to illegally access into users’ accounts. Google declared that is ready to adopt measurements to mitigate […]