The NSA tapped world leaders for US Geopolitical Interests, including a conversation between Netanyahu-Berlusconi over the U.S.-Israel Relations. A couple of days ago the non-profit journalistic organisation WikiLeaks published a collection of highly classified documents that reveals the NSA targeted world leaders for US Geopolitical Interests. Some of the intercepts are classified TOP-SECRET COMINT-GAMMA, these are most […]
A judge has confirmed that US Departement of Defense funded the Carnegie Mellon University to conduct research on the Tor hacking. In November 2015, the researchers at the Tor Project publicly accused the FBI of paying the experts at the Carnegie Mellon University to deanonymize Tor users. The experts at the Tor Project collected information about the […]
The British Intelligence Agency GCHQ has a license to hack computers and devices, the UK’s Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) ruled. This means that the UK Government is giving full power to its intelligence agency to spy on Britons as well as people living abroad. The verdict was issued on Friday after Privacy International and seven ISPs […]
Documents obtained by media confirm rendition flight used Copenhagen Airport for mission to kidnap Edward Snowden. According to documents obtained by the Danish media outlet, the US CIA agency is planning to kidnap Edward Snowden. The documents were obtained by Denfri through a Freedom of Information Act suit in August 2015. Docs confirm #Scotland and […]
National Security Agency says the US Govt surveillance programme for collecting domestic telephone records rmeets security standards The United States government’s updated spying program for gathering native people’ phone records has passed the muster as far as civil and privacy principles, the NSA (National Security Agency) claims. The new structure, which was executed in November […]
Lights and shadows of the cyber defence market that will reach 170 billion in 2020 becoming vital to the global economy. Cyber defence industry is making money. In 2015, the market will reach 75 billion and in 2020 it will grow to around 170 billion. For some countries like the US, Israel, India and Europe, […]
Juniper Networks announced on Friday it would stop using the security code that experts believe was developed by NSA for surveillance purpose. The Juniper Networks company announced last week it would stop using a portion of code that security experts believe was developed by the National Security Agency in order for surveillance purposes. The code that relies on […]
A honeypot set up by researchers at the SANS institute has shown that hackers have already attempted to exploit the Juniper backdoor. Shortly after Juniper posted the advisory related to the presence of unauthorized code in the OS of some of its Firewalls, HD Moore, the developer of the Rapid7′ Metasploit Framework, revealed that approximately 26,000 […]
Who planted the Authentication Backdoor in the Juniper ScreenOS? Security experts are making their speculation, but interesting revelations are coming out. While the FBI is investigating the case searching for responsible for the introduction of a backdoor in a number of Juniper network devices, a number of speculation are circulating on the Internet. Juniper Networks is a […]
Newly disclosed documents show that the NSA had found a way to continue spying on American citizens’ email traffic from overseas. The NSA continued to spy on the email messages of Americans, once again the US government has conducted a massive surveillance on the US soil. To curb internal law the US intelligence has is used […]