Cyber Crime

Pierluigi Paganini March 06, 2018
ComboJack Malware alters Windows clipboards to steal cryptocurrencies and payments

Palo Alto Networks discovered a malware dubbed ComboJack that is able of detecting when users copy a cryptocurrency address and alter clipboards to steal cryptocurrencies and payments. Crooks continue to focus their interest in cryptocurrencies, security researchers at Palo Alto Networks have spotted a strain of malware dubbed ComboJack that is able of detecting when users […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 06, 2018
World’s largest DDoS attack record broken by a new memcached DDoS attack

World’s largest DDoS attack record lasted just a few days, Arbor Networks reported that earlier this month a US service provider suffered a 1.7Tbps memcached DDoS attack. On February 28, 2018, the code hosting website GitHub was hit by the largest-ever DDoS attack that peaked at 1.3Tbps. The powerful attack was abusing the memcached protocol to power […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 05, 2018
Applebee restaurants suffered payment card breach

RMH Franchise Holdings revealed on Friday afternoon that PoS systems at the Applebee ’s restaurants were infected with a PoS malware. Another week another data breach, RMH Franchise Holdings revealed last week that PoS systems at the Applebee’s restaurants were infected with malware. The PoS malware was used to collect names, payment card numbers, expiration dates, and […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 04, 2018
Recent Memcached DDoS attacks drive RDoS extortion practice

Crooks already started to blackmail companies asking for a ransom demand in Monero cryptocurrency to avoid being attacked via Memcached servers. Last week, the Github service was hit by the biggest-ever DDoS attack that peaked 1.35 Tbs by abusing the memcached protocol to power so-called memcached DDoS attacks. Researchers believe that threat actors in the wild will abuse misconfigured […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 03, 2018
Bitcoin-linked heist: thieves stolen 600 powerful computers in Iceland

Thieves steal 600 powerful computers in a huge heist in Iceland with the intent to use them for mining Bitcoin. Cyber criminal organization continue to show a great interest in cryptocurrencies, the number of crimes against cryptocurrency industry is on the rise. News of the day is that crooks have stolen 600 powerful computers from data centers […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 03, 2018
Over 40 models of low-cost Android devices shipped with Triada banking Trojan

Security researchers at Dr.Web have discovered over 40 models of low-cost Android smartphones are shipped with the dreaded Android Triada banking malware. Security researchers at Antivirus firm Dr.Web have discovered that 42 models of low-cost Android smartphones are shipped with the Android.Triada.231 banking malware. “In the middle of 2017, Doctor Web analysts discovered a new Trojan Android.Triada.231 in the firmware of some […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 02, 2018
Github hit by the biggest-ever DDoS attack that peaked 1.35 Tbs

On February 28, 2018, the popular GitHub’s code hosting website was hit by the largest-ever distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack that peaked at 1.35 Tbps On February 28, 2018, the popular GitHub’s code hosting website was hit by the largest-ever distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack. The DDoS attack peaked at record 1.35 Tbps […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 02, 2018
Equifax confirmed additional 2.4 Million identifies affected by security breach

The results of the forensic investigation on the massive Equifax hack revealed additional 2.4 Million identities were involved in the security incident. The massive Equifax hack made the headlines again, new revelations about the security breach emerge in the last hours. The credit bureau company announced this week it identified an additional 2.4 million American consumers affected by […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 02, 2018
CannibalRAT, a RAT entirely written in Python observed in targeted attacks

Security researchers from Cisco Talos discovered a new remote access Trojan (RAT) dubbed CannibalRAT that has been written entirely in Python. The CannibalRAT RAT is being used in highly targeted attacks. the experts explained that even if it isn’t very sophisticated it exhibits signs of code cannibalisation from other open-source projects. “The RAT itself is not very sophisticated, […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 01, 2018
Hundreds of Tim Hortons outlets across Canada closed after malware attack

Tim Hortons restaurants across Canada have been hit by a computer malware that forced some locations to shut down over the past week. When dealing with cyber threats for the retail sector, Target in most prominent case of potential damages from a cyber attack. Today I want to report you the case of a malware-based […]