Security experts spotted a new variant of the CryptoMix ransomware that uses a different extension (.FILE) and a new set of contact emails. Security experts from BleepingComputer discovered a new variant of the CryptoMix ransomware that uses a different extension (.FILE) to append to the file names of the encrypted files and uses new contact emails. For example, a file encrypted by […]
Researchers at security firm Proofpoint collected evidence of the significant interest of the Lazarus APT group in cryptocurrencies, the group’s arsenal of tools, implants, and exploits is extensive and under constant development. Researchers at security firm Proofpoint collected evidence of the significant interest of the Lazarus APT group in cryptocurrencies. The North Korea-Linked hackers launched several multistage attacks that […]
Experts observed cybercriminals are conducting a new malspam campaign to distribute a new variant of the GlobeImposter ransomware According to Lawrence Abrams from BleepingComputer, crooks are conducting a new malspam campaign to distribute a new variant of the GlobeImposter ransomware that appends the “..doc” extension to encrypted files. The malicious messages pretend to have attached photos being sent to the […]
The Chinese authorities have sentenced a man to five-and-a-half years in prison for selling a VPN service without the authorization. China continues to intensify the monitoring of the cyberspace applying, the authorities always fight any services that could be used to bypass its censorship system known as the Great Firewall. The Great Firewall project already blocked access to […]
Researchers from security firm Trend Micro observed crooks spreading a new cryptocurrency mining bot dubbed Digmine via Facebook Messenger. Watch out for video file (packed in zip archive) sent by your friends via Facebook messenger, according to the researchers from security firm Trend Micro crooks are using this technique to spread a new cryptocurrency mining bot dubbed Digmine. The bot […]
Security researchers discovered multiple hacking campaigns conducted by a Chinese criminal gang targeting database servers. The researchers from the security firm GuardiCore Labs Security have discovered multiple hacking campaigns conducted by a Chinese criminal gang targeting database servers. The attackers targeted systems worldwide for mining cryptocurrencies, exfiltrating sensitive data and building a DDoS botnet. The experts […]
Operation Bakovia – Romanian police arrested 5 individuals suspected of infecting tens of thousands of computers across Europe and the US with Ransomware. Another success of law enforcement against cybercrime, this time Romanian police have arrested five individuals suspected of infecting tens of thousands of computers across Europe and the United States with Ransomware. The arrests […]
Experts from Kaspersky have spotted an Android malware dubbed Loapi that includes a so aggressive mining component that it can destroy your battery. Researchers from security firm Kaspersky Lab have spotted a new strain of Android malware dubbed Loapi lurking in fake anti-virus and porn applications, that implements many features, including cryptocurrency mining. Loapi can be used to perform a […]
The South Korea Cryptocurrency Exchange Youbit has gone bankrupt after suffering a major cyber attack for the second time this year. The South Korea Cryptocurrency Exchange Youbit shuts down after suffering a major cyber attack for the second time this year. The company announced bankrupt on Tuesday after being hacked for the second time in the last eight months, […]
Security researchers spotted a sophisticated malware campaign, tracked as Zealot campaign targeting Linux and Windows servers to install Monero miners. Security researchers from F5 Networks spotted a sophisticated malware campaign, tracked as Zealot campaign (after the name, one of the files dropped on targeted servers), targeting Linux and Windows servers to install Monero cryptocurrency miners. The campaign was detected […]