Russian antivirus company Doctor Web discovered a new Linux Trojan dubbed Linux.Lady that is used by crooks to mine cryptocurrency. According to a new report published by the antivirus company Doctor Web, a Go-Based Linux Trojan, Dubbed Linux.Lady.1, is exploited by cyber criminals for cryptocurrency mining. “Doctor Web analysts have detected and examined a new Linux Trojan which […]
The systems of the Oracle MICROS payment terminals division have been infected by a malware, systems worldwide are potentially at risk. The hack that I’m going to tell you could have a serious and a huge impact, the systems of the Oracle MICROS payment terminals division have been infected. MICROS is among the top three […]
Experts spotted a previously unknown APT group dubbed Strider or ProjectSauron that carried out surgical cyber-espionage attacks against targets worldwide. A previously unknown hacking group variously dubbed ‘Strider’ or ‘ProjectSauron’ has been conducting a surgical cyber espionage campaign against targets in Russia, Belgium, China, Iran, Sweden, and Rwanda. According to experts from Symantec, the Strider crew […]
The experts from the Irish Garda are investigating a malware-based attack that forced it to shut down its data systems. No system was breached. The Garda Síochána, the national police service of Ireland, was forced to shut down its data systems in response to a malware-based attack. The Ireland’s national police put in place the emergency […]
Huston police identified and arrested 2 men while it was investigating a series of car thefts made using a pirated software running on the thieves’ laptop Two men have stolen more than 100 vehicles by using a laptop running a common software that’s used by technicians and auto dealers. The two criminals, Michael Arce, 24, and […]
Experts from Dr Web discovered a new PoS malware dubbed Kasidet that can bypass User Account Control (UAC) by posing as a legitimate Microsoft application. A new strain of PoS malware is in the wild, experts from security firm Doctor Web named it Trojan.Kasidet.1 and it is able to bypass defense mechanism such as the Microsoft […]
Researchers have demonstrated how crooks can make ATMs spit out thousands of dollars in cash in just a few minutes by using data stolen from EMV cards. When the EMV (Europay, MasterCard, and Visa) was introduced, the vast majority of security experts believed solved the problems caused by easy to clone magnetic stripe cards. EMV chip-equipped […]
Bitcoin plunged just over 20% on Tuesday after news of the security breach suffered by Bitfinex that led the theft of 120,000 Bitcoin. One of the world’s largest digital currency exchanges, the Asian Bitfinex, has suffered a security breach that resulted in the suspension of deposits and withdrawals on Tuesday. Hackers have stolen 120,000 Bitcoin, the theft has […]
An FBI cyber security expert funneled sensitive information about the Bureau to the Chinese government, and now faces years in the jail. If it can happen to the FBI, it most likely is happening in the private industry. Yesterday, the FBI revealed that it was been the victim of insider espionage campaign by a Chinese-born electronics […]
Operators behind the Afraidgate campaign continue to leverage on Neutrino EK, but switches from CryptXXX to Locky Ransomware. According to the experts from Palo Alto Networks, one of the most long-lived hacking campaigns leveraging on the Neutrino EK switches from CryptXXX to the Locky Ransomware. The campaign dubbed Afraidgate due to the name of the gate domains (using name servers from […]