Cyber Crime

Pierluigi Paganini July 28, 2016
Locky Ransomware now relies on JavaScript instead downloaders 

A new ransomware campaign relies on a Locky variant that is distributed through JavaScript that includes the binary of the threat itself. Locky is one of the most infamous threats of the ransomware family and according to the experts it is in continuous evolution. The threat has been using JavaScript attachments as a distribution mechanism, but most […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 28, 2016
After mass shooting in Germany, it is dark web paranoia

Is it so easy to buy a weapon on the Dark Web? Access a dark net, buy a weapon, make a massacre. Is this the crime chain behind recent attacks? After mass shooting recently occurred in Germany the Dark Web monopolized the headlines. According to several German news outlets, the young man has bought the 9mm […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 27, 2016
Shad0wS3C claimed responsibility for the EJBCA data breach

Shad0w Security (Shad0wS3C) claimed responsibility for the data breach of the EJBCA that resulted in the exposure of credentials and certificates. Shad0w Security claimed responsibility for the data breach of the EJBCA – Open Source PKI Certificate Authority. Shad0w Security recently breached into a Switzerland Branch of EJBCA – Open Source PKI Certificate Authority and stole dozens of certificates […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 25, 2016
Munich Gunman purchased the weapon on the Dark Web

David S., the Munich gunman has purchased the weapon on the Dark Web, sincerely I was waiting for this title in the headlines, but … In Germany, it is quite difficult to pay for weapons so how the Munich gunman got a 9mm Glock 17? According to several German news outlets, the young man has bought the 9mm […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 24, 2016
Akamai Threat Advisory – Evolution of DDoS attacks

According to the US-based Akamai Technologies Distributed Denial Of Service (DDoS) attacks have a great level of sophistication today. The Morris Worm of 1989 caused massive damage and losses with its unintentionally caused Denial Of Service (DoS) attacks. Fast forward to today, attacks have sharpened teeth targeting almost every IT service, from telco to gaming firms. […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 23, 2016
Is the Infocube firm tied to the Carbanak cybercrime gang?

The security expert Brian Krebs investigated the links between the Carbanak cybercrime gang and the Infocube security firm. Today I want to share with you the findings of an investigation of the popular cyber security expert Brian Krebs. This time, Krebs investigated the link between a cybercrime gang and a security firm. The security company […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 22, 2016
Snowden and Bunnies devised the Introspection Engine to avoid surveillance

The NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and the popular hacker Andrew “Bunnie” Huang designed Introspection Engine, an interesting anti-surveillance device. While the number of mobile devices is outclassing the number of desktop ones, the concern about the surveillance activities conducted by governments is growing as never before also thanks the Snowden revelations. Mobile devices, often unprotected, […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 21, 2016
Feds arrested the KickassTorrents owner and seized the domain names

The federal authorities have arrested the alleged mastermind behind KickassTorrents (KAT) and seized its domains, blocking its operations. According to the US Justice Department, the feds have arrested Artem Vaulin the alleged mastermind behind the BitTorrent distribution site KickassTorrents (KAT). The KickassTorrents website is down worldwide and most of KAT domains (,,,,,, […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 21, 2016
The threat of Ransomware

Recently, Reuters reported that the FBI sent an urgent confidential ‘Flash’ message to businesses and organizations to warn them about ransomware. Sponsored Content It is that dangerous. This is a new version of the ransom note, a form of malware that interferes with access to user files and data by encrypting it. Those running the […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 21, 2016
Is Phineas Fisher behind the AKP hack that allowed the disclosure of Erdogan Emails?

One of the most popular hacktivists, Phineas Fisher claimed responsibility for the hack of the Turkish Government that lead the disclosure of Erdogan Emails. A few hours ago I reported the news of the ban on Wikileaks decide by the Turkish Government in response to the publishing of the Erdogan Emails, now the popular Phineas Phisher […]