Cyber Crime

Pierluigi Paganini June 16, 2016
Russian Hackers get Cozy with American Politics

The Democratic National Committee’s network was hacked by Russian hackers belonging to nation-state groups that have had access to the group’s communications and databases. Yesterday, the security research firm CrowdStrike reported on a cyber breach of the Democratic National Committee (DNS).  CrowdStrike’s incident response time discovered not one, but two hacking groups that it considers “some […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 15, 2016
ScarCruft APT Group exploited Flash Zero-Day in High-Profile attacks

Security experts from Kaspersky Lab revealed that an APT group dubbed ScarCruft exploited the zero day vulnerability (CVE-2016-4171) in Adobe Flash Player. According to the experts from Kaspersky Lab, an APT group dubbed ScarCruft exploited a zero day vulnerability (CVE-2016-4171) in Adobe Flash Player. The group launched a series of attacks against high-profile targets against entities in […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 15, 2016
Over 45 Million passwords from Verticalscope 1,000 sites leaked online

In February Verticalscope platform was hacked and more than 45 Million passwords from  1,000 websites running on it have been leaked online. Data breaches, a never ending saga! Recently we reported a number of clamorous data breaches, hundred thousand million credentials were offered for sale in dark web. LinkedIn, mySpace, VKontakte, and Twitter are some of […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 14, 2016
Crooks can clone payments cards with a hi-tech contactless device

Cyber criminals are offering for sale a hi-tech gadget named Contactless Infusion X5t to scan nearby contactless payment cards and clone them. The British Daily Mail published an interesting article on a new gadget used by crooks to clone up to 15 contactless bank cards a second from victims, and it can do it by […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 14, 2016
Hackers find a way to send massive messages on Telegram

Security researchers have found a vulnerability that could allow attackers to send massive messages on Telegram bypassing its limitations. Security researchers have devised a method to send massive messages on Telegram. The experts have found a flaw that allows them so send messages of any size as showed in the proof-of-concept provided by the researchers. […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 14, 2016
‘Hacking Team’ and heterogony of ends: how the hack of Phineas Fisher can lead to unwanted worst consequences for the evolution of the Surveillance Tools and State Spyware.

The “heterogony of end” is a famous expression formulated in 1886 by the German philosopher Wihelm Wundt, what about the Hacking Team case? After the hack of the controversial government spying and hacking tool vendor Hacking Team by an outside attacker, a large  numbers of media headlines worldwide reported the events. [1,2,3] The hacker announced […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 12, 2016
How to bypass two-factor authentication with a text message

Is Two-factor authentication the solution for any kind of hacks? A text message could be used to take over your Google Account. Following the recent data breaches suffered by IT giants (e.g. MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter) security experts are inviting users to avoid sharing login credentials on multiple websites and to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) when it […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 11, 2016
How to recover files encrypted by all Teslacrypt Ransomware variants

Experts from Cisco Talos team have improved their decryptor tool to allow the recovery of files encrypted by all the Teslacrypt Ransomware variants In May, criminals behind the TeslaCrypt ransomware leaked online the master encryption key that allowed security experts to develop a decryption tool for the last variant of the threat. “In surprising end to TeslaCrypt, […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 11, 2016
Bolek Banking Trojan, a Carberp Successor is spreading in the wild

The Bolek banking Trojan is one of the successors of the notorious Carberp Trojan that targets both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows systems. When the source code of the Carberp Trojan was leaked online, numerous threat actors developed their own variants. This process allowed a significant evolution of the malware that increased its sophistication across the time. […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 11, 2016
More Fallout from the LinkedIn Breach in new Targeted Attacks on Banking

CERT-Bund released a warning that corporate executives may be being targeted with malicious emails using data from the LinkedIn data breach. The cascading effects of the 2012 LinkedIn breach are still being felt throughout the business world.  On Monday, CERT-Bund, Germany’s Computer Emergency Response Team for federal agencies, released a warning that corporate executives may […]