Cyber Crime

Pierluigi Paganini May 22, 2016
Journalists get scammed trying to buy an AK47 in the Dark Web

Producers from the German broadcaster ARD have conducted an interesting experiment to demonstrate how to buy a weapon on the dark web. When journalists write about the black markets hosted on the dark web always describe these places as crucial aggregators where it is possible to buy any kind of illegal product and service. A keyboard, […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 22, 2016
Microsoft warns of malicious macros using a new sneaky trick

Researchers at the Microsoft’s Malware Protection Center are warning of a new wave of attacks leveraging malicious macros using a new sneaky trick. Researchers at Microsoft’s Malware Protection Center are warning of a new technique attackers are using to allow macro malware elude detection solutions. The experts first spotted the technique while analyzing a file […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 21, 2016
A third bank was a victim of cyber heist that involved the SWIFT

The Ecuador Bank Banco Del Austro of Cuenca was hacked by threat actors that once again involved the SWIFT systems to stole $12 Million. A third bank was the victim of a cyber heist, the Ecuador Bank was hacked by threat actors that targeted the SWIFT systems and stole $12 Million. In  February hackers have stolen $81 Million from the […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 21, 2016
Lawsuit claims Facebook scanned private messages to make profits

Facebook might have violated federal privacy laws by scanning users’ private messages.Users launched a class action against the IT giant. Once again we are discussing privacy issues and IT giants, this time, the attention is on Facebook that has been sued for illegally scanning the private messages of its unaware users. In Northern California, users have launched […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 20, 2016
Phineas Fisher hacked a bank to support anti-capitalists in the Rojava region

Phineas Fisher, the notorious Hacking Team hacker, stole $10,000 from a bank and donated the equivalent in Bitcoin to Kurdish anticapitalists in Rojava. Phineas Fisher (@GammaGroupPR), revealed on Reddit that he breached a bank and turned the stolen money to a Kurdish anti-capitalists that operate in the Rojava autonomous region. The region in located in the north of the […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 19, 2016
Teslacrypt decryption tool allows victims to restore their files

A security researcher from ESET security firm issue a Teslacrypt decryption tool after the author closed the project and released a free master key. The victims of the dreaded TeslaCrypt Ransomware now have the opportunity to restore their files by using a decryptor developed by experts from the ESET security Firm. “Today, ESETÂź released a […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 19, 2016
Cyber spies from Suckfly group hacked organizations in India

A crew of cyber spies named Suckfly group is targeting organizations in India, it conducted long-term espionage campaigns against entities in the country. A group of high professional hackers called Suckfly is targeting organizations in India, according to the experts at Symantec the crew conducted long-term espionage campaigns against the country. Symantec did not disclose the […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 18, 2016
Watson Is Getting Ready from IBM to Deal with Hackers

IBM has targeted hackers, bringing Watson (its computer brain) in the game, with the help of eight prominent US universities IBM’s computer brain, or else Watson, has been known to multitask, already involved in fighting cancer and cooking and so many other things. Right now, the focus of IBM has been placed towards dealing with […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 18, 2016
Skimer malware evolves, it is used to target ATMs

Experts at Kaspersky Lab have detected a new variant of  the Skimer malware used to steal money and payment card data from ATMs. Security experts at Kaspersky Lab have spotted a new strain of the malware dubbed ‘Skimer’ (Backdoor.Win32.Skimer). Skimer is an old threat that has been around since 2009, it is used by criminal organizations to […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 17, 2016
The blackmarket Silk Road 3.0 emerged from the Dark Web

The administrator of Crypto Market launched Silk Road 3.0, the fourth iteration of the popular black market (Silk Road, Silk Road 2.0, Silk Road Reloaded). We all know that Silk Road was one of the greatest black marketplaces in the criminal underground, but many ignore that someone is still running the fourth iteration of the popular […]