
Pierluigi Paganini September 05, 2012
Large-scale monitoring, few hours to identify file-sharers

We have often discussed the fact that governments and intelligence agencies regularly use tools to spy on communications and navigation data of millions internet users. The market monitoring is a thriving market, where revenue opportunities are high and where demand is far outstripping supply. Malware, backdoors, appliances are just some of the solutions used to […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 04, 2012
AntiSec steals 1M Apple UDID from FBI notebook with an exploit

Another blow was dealt to the authorities by a group of hackers linked to Anonymous that claims to have breached FBI security posting 1 million Apple Unique Device Identifiers (UDIDs). The UDIDs are the string of numbers that uniquely identifies each Apple device, and AntiSec hacker group has announced to have leaked more than 12 […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 04, 2012
FireEye Advanced Threat Report…the inadequacy of the defense

The security firm FireEye has released  an interesting report  named “Advanced Threat Report” related first half of 2012 that provides an overview of the current threat landscape, evolving advanced malware and advanced persistent threat (APT) tactics, and the level of infiltration seen in organizations’ networks today. The report presents and alarming scenario, the organizations are […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 03, 2012
Social Networks Part 3 – Are you exposing yourself unnecessarily to physical threats?

Article published on The Malta Indipendent Ron Kelson, Pierluigi Paganini, Fabian Martin, David Pace, Benjamin Gittins In our first article we talked about the intentional or unintentional disclosure of personal information in social networks that can expose you to logical (computer-based) threats and we gave you some recommendations about how to properly manage this risk of […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 02, 2012
Anonymous, from Philips to UK Government…a hot autumn is coming

The summer is ending and we must be prepared to a new season of attacks of Anonymous collective, last weeks we have registered several attacks of the group of hackers that suggest a warm autumn. Last week with a series of attacks Anonymous targets Electronics Manufacturer AVX, the hackers have hit the website for electronics […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 31, 2012
Wiper, assumptions and difficulties analyzing a malware

During last April many press agencies and security firms published a story related to the detection of a new malware, named Wiper that attacked computers at businesses throughout Iran. Kaspersky Lab and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) investigated on the event trying to isolate the malware and analyze it. During the investigation the team of […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 31, 2012
RasGas, new cyber attack against an energy company

A new strange attack has hit Qatar’s natural gas pumper RasGas, like happened to Saudi Aramco company a virus has infected machines of its network. RasGas is a joint venture between Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil operating in Qatar that has an annual export quote of 36.3 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas. The attack has […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 30, 2012
Iran suspected for the attack on the Saudi Aramco

Last week it was announced by Saudi Arabia’s oil company, Saudi Aramco that its systems and its internal network were victims of a cyber attack. Recently the company has given more info on the incident declaring that the systems are back up after the attack made by a virus that infected 30,000 work stations. All […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 29, 2012
DDoS attacks, so simple so dangerous

Article Published on DDoS Attacks PT Extra 05_2012 The article proposes an analysis of DDoS attacks, explaining how the offensive technique is used in several contexts to hit strategic targets for different purposes. The discussion is supported with the statistics provided by the principal security firms that provide solutions to protect infrastructures from this kind of […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 28, 2012
U.S. admit cyber attacks.Who will decide in future conflict,humans or machines?

The U.S. are one of the most advanced country under cyber warfare perspective, we have read a lot on its capabilities and its offensive power, to remark some sample we can remind the plan-X project and the development of the cyber weapon Stuxnet. We all imagine that the U.S. are still really active in the […]