
Pierluigi Paganini December 30, 2012
Hacktivism and web monitoring in 2013 for Security Affairs

The year is ending and it’s very easy to read forecast for next year, experts are sure that we will assist to a sensible increase of state-sponsored attacks and to the raise of sophisticated malware, both cyber threats will exploit large scale channels such as mobile and social networks. The majority of forecast are focused […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 29, 2012
TheAndroid.DDoS.1.origin, a new malware detected on Android mobile

In line with expectations a new cyber threat is menacing the mobile, in particular the most diffused OS, Android. The Russian anti-virus vendor Doctor Web has detected a new malware, dubbed  TheAndroid.DDoS.1.origin, that target Android mobile allowing the attacker to carry out mobile denial of service attacks. Currently is not known how the trojan has […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 28, 2012
DoJ wants to indict state-sponsored hackers. What is the real purpose?

The last couple of years has been characterized by the raise of state-sponsored cyber attacks, governments have increased cyber capabilities to defend their critical infrastructures from offensive originated in the cyberspace but they also improved tactics to offend and spy on foreign government networks. Governments and private business of countries such as US, Japan and […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 26, 2012
9 Steps to Cybersecurity

                        During this week I had the opportunity to read the book “9 Steps to Cybersecurity” written by Dejan Kosutic What You Need to Know in Order to Plan Your Company’s Cybersecurity in 9 Easy-to-understand Steps  I consider it a great introduction for basics cyber security […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 26, 2012
The “company” cybercrime seen by Fortinet

Fortinet company, the worldwide provider of network security appliances and a market leader in unified threat management (UTM), has recently published the report “Fortinet 2013 Cybercrime Report” that deepens the phenomenon of cybercrime. The report highlights that cybercrime is assuming an amazing relevance, what really surprise is its organizational capacity that has nothing to envy […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 24, 2012
Perfect Citizen, US vulnerability assessment program on critical infrastructures

CNET web site has published a news on a secret National Security Agency program named Perfect Citizen that is targeting on large-scale the control systems inside utilities, including power grid and gas pipeline controllers, with the purpose to discover security vulnerabilities. The program was revealed by new documents from EPIC (the Electronic Privacy Information Center), the […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 23, 2012
Have you been hacked? … you must disclose it!

During 2009 it was revealed that one of the primary defense contractor BAE Systems was hacked causing the exposure of sensible information on F-35 fighter jet. The reserved information were obtained by a group of hackers who accessed to internal server of the contractor, but BAE Systems admitted it only in 2012. The attackers were […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 22, 2012
Accessing to PGP, TrueCrypt, and BitLocker encrypted containers with a ÂŁ300 tool

The news was a bolt from the blue, the confidentiality of our data is at risk, Russian company Elcomsoft has announced that its software tool Elcomsoft Forensic Disk Decryptor is able to decrypt encryption containers created with  TrueCrypt, PGP and BitLocker To Go. These software are considered the most common and reliable tools used by […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 21, 2012
US develop exploitation methods for mobile devices while refuse UN treaty

Just one week ago a UN treaty was approved to update 24-year-old United Nations telecommunications rules. The agreement states that countries have the right to access international telecommunications services and control them to prevent cybercrimes such as spamming. The downside is that the UN treaty could open the doors to attitudes of censorship of governments […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 19, 2012
Iran, the cyber shooting range, new malware detected

On December 16th the Iranian Maher center issued an advisory warning of a new “targeted data wiping” malware discovered during an investigation. First analysis of the center revealed that the malicious code has a simple as efficient design that allow it to wipe files on different drives in various predefined times. The malware wipes disk partitions […]