Pierluigi Paganini August 30, 2015
Teenagers arrested after using the Lizard Squad DDoS tool

Six British teenagers have been arrested on suspicion of attacking websites by using the Lizard Squad’s DDoS tool, the Lizard Stresser. Lizard Squad is the popular hacking crew that brought the online gaming networks Sony PlayStation Network and Microsoft Xbox Live with major Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. The hackers developed a tool dubbed Lizard Stresser that draws on Internet […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 27, 2015
GitHub Again Hit by a new DDoS attack

GitHubhit by another major DDoS attack to because Chinese developers have been forced by police to remove projects of tools to circumvent “Great Firewall.” The software collaboration site GitHub was hit by another DDoS on Tuesday morning that made the website unavailable to many users for several hours. The GitHub platform already suffered a major DDoS attack in March, in that […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 26, 2015
Be aware enterprises, it’s time to block Tor network

A research conducted by the IBM X-Force team reveals that a growing number of cyber attacks against big IT enterprises relies on the Tor network. With the increase of Tor-based attacks, something needs to change, and IBM is advising companies to start blocking Tor. A research conducted by the IBM X-Force team reveals that SQL […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 17, 2015
Exploiting BitTorrent flaws to run Distributed Reflective DDoS

Security researchers discovered a new technique to exploit BitTorrent to run powerful DDoS amplification attacks that could bring down great websites. A weaknesses in the open BitTorrent protocol makes some of the most widely used BitTorrent applications, including uTorrent, Mainline, and Vuze vulnerable to a form of denial of service attack. The form of DDoS […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 13, 2015
Carphone breach, bad actors run DDoS to cover the attack

Carphone Warehouse disclosed a sophisticated attack that may have impacted more than 2.4 million customers. Attackers covered the breach with DDoS attacks. On Saturday Carphone Warehouse (CW) was reportedly swamped by hackers than may have accessed personal and financial details of around 2.4 million customers according to the mobile retailer. The data breach affects customers […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 15, 2015
$38 an hour is the cost of destructive DDos Attacks

DDOS attacks have become cheaper than one can think, just because of the era of DDOS-for-hire services. However, such attacks are easier to launch now and don’t cost much, but when it comes to the victim – it costs $40,000 per hour to them considering the loss. Incapsula revealed in its annual Report of DDoS […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 07, 2015
The silent war between black markets in the deep web

The silent war between black markets in the deep web, Mr Nice Guy hired a blackmailer to hit TheRealDeal and its competitors. TheRealDeal hacked back. Today I desire to tell you a story of ordinary war among operators behind principal black markets. A few weeks ago I have published a detailed analysis of a new black market […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 20, 2015
DDoS Attacks on the rise in Q1 2015, says Akamai

DDoS attacks even more dangerous according to the last report published by Akamai Technologies, the “Q1 2015 State of the Internet – Security Report”. According to Akamai Technologies, Q1 2015 showed that distributed denial-of-service attacks are on the rise again, and according to Akamai Technologies, Q1 set a record for the number of DDoS attacks, […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 13, 2015
Mass-Scale Abuse of poorly configured SOHO Routers

Several dozen Imperva Incapsula customers were targeted by a DDoS botnet comprised of tens of thousands of hijacked SOHO routers. Security experts at Incapsula firm spotted a DDoS botnet composed of tens of thousands of malware-infected Small Office / Home Office SOHO routers engaged in application layer HTTP flood attacks. The SOHO routers were infected with a strain […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 10, 2015
Hiring hackers, how much is it?

In recent years the perception of the role of hackers is completely changed, in the past these high-skilled professionals were viewed as dangerous threats that needed to be kept at arm’s length, meanwhile today they are highly sought from private companies and intelligence agencies. “An increasingly large number of modern business operations rely on an understanding of the […]