Breaking News

Pierluigi Paganini October 07, 2015
The Angler Exploit Kit Exposed: Making $60 Million Annually by Delivering Ransomware

The Cisco Talos Group has performed in-depth research on the threat actors behind the Angler Exploit Kit, and even had behind-the-scenes access. The Cisco Talos Group has performed in-depth research on the threat actors behind the Angler Exploit Kit, and even had behind-the-scenes access, allowing statistical information as well as Angler’s inner-workings to be examined. Note that […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 07, 2015
Experts discovered the attack platform used by the Winnti Group

Experts at Kaspersky have discovered that Winnti Group has enhanced its attack platform infecting organizations in South Korea, UK and Russia. In 2013, security experts at Kaspersky Lab uncovered a cyber espionage that targeted the gaming industry with a malware signed with a valid digital certificate. The threat actor behind the campaign was dubbed the Winnti group, […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 06, 2015
The Smurf Suite – GCHQ can hack your phone with a text message

Snowden told the BBC’s Panorama that the GCHQ has developed a hacking suite dubbed Smurf Suite, it can hack any mobile by sending an encrypted text message. There is no way to stop secret services spying on users’ Smartphones, this is the last revelation of the US whistleblower Edward Snowden. Snowden told the BBC’s Panorama that the […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 06, 2015
Civil nuclear facilities worldwide at risk of cyber attack

The nuclear industry is still unprepared to respond cyberattacks exposing civil nuclear facilities worldwide at risk of cyber attacks. Civil nuclear facilities worldwide are privileged targets for cyber attacks, according to a new report published this week by the Chatham House. The Stuxnet attack that targeted Iranian nuclear facilities demonstrated the risks for cyberattacks, for the first […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 06, 2015
Attackers hack into Outlook Web App (OWA) Server for access to organization network

Researchers have discovered an advanced malware that can breach organizations by infecting their Outlook Web Application (OWA) mail server. According to the experts at the Cybereason security firm threat actors breached an unnamed organization network and maintained persistence for months via a webmail server. The victim was a midsize public services company based in the […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 06, 2015
Is the North Korea behind the attack on the Seoul Subway Operator?

According to the Government of Seoul, the North Korea is the main suspect for a cyber attack that last year hit the South Korean capital’s subway system. The attack, staged between March and August 2014, affected several servers of Seoul Metro, which runs four major subway lines, According to the ruling party legislator Ha Tae-Kyung […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 05, 2015
YiSpecter iOS Malware can infect any Apple iOS device

Experts at Paloalto Networks discovered a strain of Apple iOS malware dubbed YiSpecter that is able to infect both jailbroken and non-jailbroken devices. The recent XCodeGhost attack suffered by Apple demonstrated that nobody is completely secure from malware-based attacks. Now security researchers at PaloAlto Networks have discovered a new malware dubbed YiSpecter that they sustain is able to […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 05, 2015
AV-Test – Which is the best Antivirus for Linux systems?

The Independent AV-Test Institute has analyzed 16 Linux security solutions against Windows and Linux threats under Ubuntu. The results are disconcerting. The result of the tests on Linux security solutions demonstrates that many Linux machines are vulnerable to cyber attacks, let’s consider to billions of internet users that daily access Web servers. In many cases, […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 05, 2015
How to Hack and Decrypt WhatsApp Database on rooted devices

The post includes a detailed procedure to hack and decrypt WhatsApp Database remotely on rooted Android mobile devices. Very Interesting! A few hours ago it has been published an interesting post on “How to Hack and Decrypt WhatsApp Database (Remotely) [ROOT]” that explains how to extract and decrypt WhatsApp database from a rooted Android system. […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 05, 2015
Fareit malware avoids detection using a different file hash for each attack

Security experts at Cisco Talos have discovered a new strain of the Fareit Info stealer that uses a different File hash for each attack to avoid AV Detection Security experts at the Cisco Talos team have detected a new strain of the Fareit malware. Fareit is an info stealer that has been around since 2012, it is […]