Breaking News

Pierluigi Paganini March 01, 2016
Two Years to General Data Protection Regulation Compliance

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) governs the use and privacy of EU citizens’ data and the Data Protection Directive governs the use of EU citizens’ data by law enforcement. EU Data Protection Reform was put forward in January 2012 by the European Commission to make Europe fit for the digital age. At the last […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 01, 2016
New HackingTeam OS X RCS spyware in the wild, who is behind the threat?

A new OS X sample of the Hacking Team RCS has been detected in the wild, who is managing it? Is the HackingTeam back? A group of malware researchers has discovered a new strain of Mac malware undetected my most security firm, but more  intriguing is the speculation that the malicious code may have been […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 01, 2016
European police corps arrested operators behind darknets offering illegal products and services

A coordinated operation of law enforcement agencies in 7 countries raided operators of darknets trading in illegal products and services. A joint effort of law enforcement agencies in seven European countries (Germany, Bosnia, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, Lithuania and Russia) allowed authorities to identify and arrest operators of darknet online platforms trading in illegal products […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 29, 2016
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, a $35 MicroComputer is arrived

The Raspberry Pi 3 model B comes with significant improvements and it is now available for sale for $35, the same price as the existing Raspberry Pi 2. It’s arrived, the Raspberry Pi Foundation has presented a new Raspberry Pi model the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B in the successor of the Raspberry Pi […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 29, 2016
Using the Microsoft EMET security tool to hack itself

The security researchers at FireEye Abdulellah Alsaheel and Raghav Pande have found a way to exploit Microsoft EMET (Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit) to hack itself. The security researchers at FireEye security Abdulellah Alsaheel and Raghav Pande have found a way to exploit the Microsoft security tool Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit to hack itself. The Enhanced Mitigation […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 29, 2016
Chinese ISPs are redirecting users legitimate traffic to malicious sites/ads

Chinese ISPs (internet service providers) are redirecting users legitimate traffic to malicious websites serving malware and ads. China is know to be not very “ortodox” when talking about freedom on the internet, over the time, it developed numerous projects to monitor users’ activity. The Great Firewall Now three Israeli researchers uncovered that Chinese ISPs (China Telecom […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 29, 2016
The new FighterPOS PoS Malware implements worm capabilities

The threat actors behind the FighterPOS PoS malware have added worm capabilities to their malicious code that is now targeting systems in the United States. PoS malware represents a serious threat to several industries, from retail to the hotel industry. During the last twelve months, security experts have discovered a significant number of payment card frauds involving […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 29, 2016
A journalist has been hacked on a plane while writing an Apple-FBI story

The journalist Steven Petrow had his computer hacked while on a plane, it was a shocking experience that raises the discussion on privacy. Experts in the aviation industry are spending a significant effort in the attempt of improving cyber security. The news that I’m going to tell you has something of incredible. The American journalist […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 28, 2016
A DHS report confirms the use of BlackEnergy in the Ukrainian outage, still unknown its role

A report issued by the DHS CERT confirms that the outage in Ukraine was caused by a well-coordinated attack still unclear the BlackEnergy role. In December, a major outage hit a region in Ukraine, more than 225,000 customers were affected by the interruption of the electricity. Security experts speculate the involvement of Russian nation-state actors that have used the BlackEnergy to […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 28, 2016
Security Affairs newsletter Round 49 – News of the week

A new round of the weekly SecurityAffairs newsletter arrived! The best news of the week with Security Affairs Project Cumulus – Tracking fake phished credentials leaked to Dark Web Linux Mint was hacked, website served malicious ISO on Saturday Utah systems experiences 300k hacking attacks a day due to the presence of the NSA Data […]