Breaking News

Pierluigi Paganini February 27, 2016
Gemalto Breach Level Index report 2015, what are hackers looking for?

2015 Gemalto Breach Level Index report confirmed the increased interest of threat actors in Government and healthcare data. As per the security firm Gemalto, Government and healthcare have overwhelmed the retail area as most-focused for information breaks. An aggregate of 1,673 information ruptures prompted 707 million information records being traded off worldwide amid 2015, as […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 27, 2016
Ransomware attacks paralyzed at least two German hospitals

New ransomware infections hit Germany hospitals, at least two structures were infected by the dreaded malware. New ransomware infections hit hospitals in Germany, at least two of them were infected by the dreaded malware. According to local reports, the systems at two German hospitals were infected by a ransomware, in a similar way occurred recently at the US Hollywood […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 26, 2016
Wikileaks – NSA tapped world leaders for US geopolitical Interests

The NSA tapped world leaders for US Geopolitical Interests, including a conversation between Netanyahu-Berlusconi over the U.S.-Israel Relations. A couple of days ago the non-profit journalistic organisation WikiLeaks published a collection of highly classified documents that reveals the NSA targeted world leaders for US Geopolitical Interests. Some of the intercepts are classified TOP-SECRET COMINT-GAMMA, these are most […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 26, 2016
Discover how many ways there were to hack your Apple TV

Apple has patched more than 60 vulnerabilities affecting the Apple TV, including flaws that can lead to arbitrary code execution and information disclosure. IoT devices are enlarging our attack surface, we are surrounded by devices that manage a huge quantity of information and that could be abused by hackers. Apple has patched more than 60 […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 26, 2016
Cisco fixes Command Injection vulnerability in CISCO ACE 4710 products

Cisco has released security updates for the products CISCO ACE 4710 appliance to fix a high severity command injection vulnerability. This week CISCO published a security advisory related a Command Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2016-1297) affecting its product Cisco ACE 4710 Application Control Engine Command. The vulnerability was reported to the company by Jan Kadijk, an expert at Warpnet BV. The […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 26, 2016
The DoD funded the Carnegie Mellon University’s research on Tor Hacking

A judge has confirmed that US Departement of Defense funded the Carnegie Mellon University to conduct research on the Tor hacking. In November 2015, the researchers at the Tor Project publicly accused the FBI of paying the experts at the Carnegie Mellon University to deanonymize Tor users. The experts at the Tor Project collected information about the […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 25, 2016
The new iPhone designed by Apple will be unhackable

Apple has begun developing security features for the new iPhone to make it impossible for the law enforcement agencies to break into a locked iPhone The news related to the request made by the FBI to Apple of unlocking the iPhone of Syed Farook, one of the San Bernardino shooters has raised the debate on the efficiency of […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 25, 2016
Author of the Angler EK integrated recently Silverlight exploit

The security researcher Kafeine confirmed that the authors of the Angler EK have integrated the exploit for a recently patched Microsoft Silverlight vulnerability. Ransomware is becoming one of the most dreaded cyber threats for netizens, security experts noticed a surge in the number of cyber attacks aimed to spread malware like Cryptowall and TeslaCrypt. Exploit kits like the Nuclear EK […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 25, 2016
Operation Blockbuster revealed the Lazarus Group Activities

The Operation BlockBuster Coalition has disclosed the results of its investigation on the activities of the Lazarus Group that is believed to be behind the Sony Pictures hack. State-sponsored hackers allegedly behind the Sony Pictures hack have been linked to other security breach suffered by a number of companies in South Korea. The FBI blamed the North Korea, the […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 25, 2016
Remotely hacking a Nissan LEAF via vulnerable APIs

The security expert Troy Hunt discovered that it is possible to remotely control features of a Nissan Leaf via API. The popular security expert Troy Hunt discovered a security vulnerability affecting the API implemented by Nissan to manage the LEAF cars from a mobile device. Other experts have confirmed the existence of the flaw, the vulnerability […]