
Pierluigi Paganini July 06, 2012
A view on the economic impact of cyber attacks, from US to China

On June 28th, a FBI official declared before a House panel that the phenomenon of cyber espionage is increasing with an alarming trend. We are living a period of great crisis and the intellectual property is becoming a privileged target for cyber attacks. It has been estimated that the economic espionage in the current fiscal […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 02, 2012
Drones vulnerable to hijacking, concerns on security and privacy

Last week a saw a satellite image taken by Google Earth related to a mysterious vehicle, apparently an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), parked at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works facility in Palmdale, California. “Skunk Works” LM’s Advanced Development Program Facility is where some of the most futuristic and secret projects are developed. The image was dated […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 30, 2012
Dalai Lama + Mac OS X = APT with Tibet malware

Another excellent discovery of the active experts of Kaspersky Labs that have identified a new variant of the malware used in Tibet against Uyghur hacktivists, a Turkic ethnic group living in Eastern and Central Asia. The instance of Tibet malware detected infects OS X machines and is spread following a consolidated schema for politically motivated […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 23, 2012
The mystery of a massive cyber attack on Iran

Winds of cyber war blow Iran, the political situation is becoming difficult to manage, exacerbating the tones of a psychological battle growing. After the publishing of the news regarding the genesis of Stuxnet and Flame every actor of the conflict has increased the effort on cyber warfare especially on cyber defense fearing an imminent cyber […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 21, 2012
Wikiboat against the Pentagon, risks on Anonymous evolution

We live in the cyber era, governments measure their capabilities in the cyberspace with reciprocal attacks of increasing complexity.Every government is developing an adequate cyber strategy investing huge quantity of money in the establishment of cyber units, on formation of groups of cyber experts and on the development of new cyber weapons. In this scenario […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 19, 2012
Deep Web and censorship

  We clarified the use of anonymizing networks is not only related to criminal intents, they represent in fact a powerful instrument to elude censorship introduced by governments in critical areas of the planet. We have provided the examples of Syria and Iran, but the world is full of similar operations that introduce a detailed […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 14, 2012
The right to anonymity on Internet and legal implications

The demand of anonymity services is increased in response to the increase network monitoring and censorship,but the anonymity is a concept that induces fear. Everyday, all our web actions leave traces of ourselves and of our way of life through the storing of massive amounts of personal data in databases in the internet, all these information […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 13, 2012
Cyber security during sporting events

Excerpt from the article published on the last edition of PenTest AUDITING & STANDARDS 05 2012.  The article offers an overview on cyber security issues relating to sports events, competitions that are a priority target for terrorists and cyber criminals. What weight has the information security component on the overall organization? An analysis of the main types of computer attacks and possible consequences in a highly critical contest such as a sporting event. Introduction Whenever we see a major sporting event we […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 12, 2012
Flame and Stuxnet, the union is strength

During the Global Media and Technology Summit Eugene Kaspersky, CEO of Kaspersky Lab, revealed to the Reuters agency that the team of experts of his company has found strong similarities between part of the Flame source code and a 2009 version of Stuxnet. The news is really surprising, the analogies demonstrate that behind the development […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 10, 2012
U.S. communication equipments subject to China cyber espionage

The new is disturbing, according to former and current intelligence sources Chinese companies have the ability to remotely access to the communication equipments sold to the United States and Western Countries. The revelation made by the open source intelligence company Lignet reinforces a lot of concerns about the possible presence of backdoors in communications devices […]