
Pierluigi Paganini February 23, 2012
GPS Spoofing, old threat and new problems

For several years are known vulnerabilities of GPS systems, but the wide use of these technology in today’s society need a continuous reassessment of the risks we are exposed. The first report in which they were discussed threats to technology is known as the “Volpe Report” that describe which are the main reasons to consider […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 22, 2012
Critical infrastructures & manipulation of the name Anonymous

What are the main dangers for our infrastructures? Too much threats which any country is exposed. The situation is bleak, suddenly the sectors of defense found themselves vulnerable to cyber threats. Once nations shown their proud arms, flaunt power, intimidating opponents in this way. Today the way of fighting is radically changed, the battleground is […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 21, 2012
Google code used to circumvent privacy protections … true or false?

The Wall Street Journal in recent days has published a report on the activities of the Google company against Apple’s users using the Safari browser installed on all products of the company (Mac, iPhone and iPad). It was discovered a mechanism by which Google traced and memorized every online user’s action through cookies, circumventing the […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 20, 2012
Stopped antivirus for Iran, controversial penalty

I have just read the news that Iran will be banned the purchase of antivirus systems, a kind of technological embargo with clear reference to the virus Stuxnet and the need of the country to prevent further infection to any control systems of critical infrastructures, nuclear plants first. The new has been made public by […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 18, 2012
DNSChanger and the FBI’s internet blackout on 8 March

For several days the news circulating online about a planned blackout of Int the rnet for million of users on 8 March decided by FBI to deal with cyber threats. The enemy to fight is named DNSChanger Trojan, a malware that has infected milion of computers all over the world in more than 100 countries. The story begins […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 17, 2012
Censorship – Why Anonymous is interested to the Great Firewall of China?

  The Chinese government is famous for the high level of monitoring implemented on the internet and in the specific on all the new social media, that is the modern form of censorship, a model that several countries all over the world are taking for example.  Nothing is changed, the government plans to continue censoring […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 16, 2012
Banking sector under attack, are we ready to the challenge?

Where can I find money? At the bank of course, this is the thought which underlies dell’orietamento of cyber crime that seems to have targeted the banking industry and its services. The event is not new but the intensification of efforts in this area is troubling . The banking sector is considered a strategic sector […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 14, 2012
Nortel, from industrial espionage to bankruptcy

By now the news of successful attacks perpetrated against private companies are no more surprising except sometimes for inefficiency of the implemented security policies . The Wall Street Journal has reported the news that the telecoms company Nortel Networks has been repeatedly exploited by Chinese hackers for a long time, almost a decade. The former Nortel […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 14, 2012
Trustwave vs Mozilla community for MITM Digital Certificate

After the attacks against certification authorities such as VeriSign, Comodo and DigiNotar the level of confidence in the model based on certificates is in sharp decline. There is widespread accusations addressed to the PKI paradigm (public key infrastructure ) which is based on the concept to request to trusted and credited third parties to guarantee […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 13, 2012
Iran case … security threat and oil business

At this time we are seeing continuing propaganda operations of Iranian government that is trying to convince with its proclamations the public opinion regarding technical capacities in its possession. Military troops, nuclear weapons, and a cyber army ready to destroy any enemy stronghold in cyber space. Too much experts believe that in reality, the West rather […]