
Pierluigi Paganini March 05, 2013
Java exploit signed with certificate stolen to Bit9

According security experts the numerous cyber attacks that hit principal IT companies, news agencies and government offices exploited zero-day vulnerabilities in Java software to the point that many recommend to uninstall Java plug-in from our browser unless absolutely necessary. Same clamor had obtained in the past the discovery that malware source codes were signed with […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 04, 2013
US retaliation strategy against hackers

The year started very difficult for the U.S. government, its networks have been constantly hit by hackers that for different reasons have tried to steal sensitive information and intelligence secrets. The principal menaces against US come from state-sponsored hackers and hacktivists, in the last months we have read of many cyber attacks, mainly for cyber […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 03, 2013
Evernote hacked, how respond to yet another data breach?

Another noisy attack has alerted IT community, online note service Evernote is the latest firm to get hacked. The company provides the popular service to around 50 million users,  the attackers accessed data of some users such as usernames, passwords and email addresses. Actually there is no evidence that contents in Everynote have been accessed […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 01, 2013
Is phishing really going down? No, it is only migrated to mobile

Recent studies of principal security firms revealed that phishing activities in the last years have increased exponentially, cybercrime is targeting every sector from industry to government institutions and of course private citizens. RSA’s October Online Fraud Report 2012 confirmed a large increase in phishing attacks, up 19% over the second half of 2011. The total loss […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 28, 2013
MiniDuke hackers target European governments and researchers

It’s a very difficult period for security researchers that in the last months have discovered various cyber espionage campaigns that hit governments, private businesses and intelligence agencies all over the world. The situation is very concerning, silently cyber threats attacks the above institutions to steal sensitive information and intellectual properties causing damage comparable to those […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 26, 2013
New Zero-Day Vulnerabilities affect Java earlier versions

Java, Java and once again Java, the popular framework and its vulnerabilities are becoming a really nightmare for security experts, billion of users and their machines are exposed to a series of attacks that try to exploit flaws in the Oracle software. Security worldwide community attributes to the Java vulnerabilities the principal responsibilities for recent […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 26, 2013
Mobile cyber threats, from risky apps to black market activity

Mobile is probably technology that is having the greatest growth, an increasing number of users execute any kind of application on their devices in mobility. The categories of applications are various, they are used at work and during leisure time and offer any kind of feature of various complexity. These applications, the technologies they use […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 25, 2013
Serious security flaws affect millions of HTC mobile devices

The news of those who make a lot of noise, more than 18 million devices commercialized by Taiwanese company HTC had security flaws that could exposes users to serious risks in particular the bugs could allow the theft of information stored on the mobile and the tracking of user’s location. The vulnerabilities appear serious according […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 23, 2013
Also Microsoft in the club of hacked companies

When Apple revealed the hack to Reuters press agency I wrote that the last big enterprise not yet hacked was Microsoft, anticipating that was question of time. The last events have revealed how much vulnerable also major companies to cyber attacks, Facebook, Twitter and principal Press agencies such as NYT dedicate large investment to cyber […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 22, 2013
Mandiant report links Anonymous 2011 hacks to APT1 campaign

The new is very curious and represents the demonstration that cyber threats could not be analyzed separately, security need a global approach, we cannot distinguish between cybercrime and cyber warfare but we must be focused on the cyber menaces, their effects and the risks connected to adoption of not appropriate security measures. The case is […]