Another victim of cyber attacks, the UN nuclear agency International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has confirmed that one of its servers was compromised by a group of hackers who claims to be anti-Israeli. The group of hackers who named itself Parastoo Farsi have exposed contacts for more than 100 nuclear experts and scientists, the word […]
Cyber security is considered a primary target for every governments, the increase of cyber criminal activities, state-sponsored operations and the raise of hacktivism requires the use of additional resources to counteract these phenomena. The European Commission has announced an increase to planned cyber security budget by 14% through 2020, a figure considered not sufficient by […]
Governments all around the world are committed for the definition of a proper cyber strategy that represents an optimum balance between a good cyber offense and an efficient cyber defense. Cyber conflicts are characterized by the necessity of an immediate cyber response to the incoming cyber threats, in many cases the reaction must be […]
The large diffusion of new services on mobile platforms and social networks was accompanied with a sensible increase of cyber crimes, mainly of identity theft. The US nonprofit consumer watchdog organization Consumer Reports has recently spread an alert on online purchases benefiting of Cyber Monday sales and more in general of discounts for this holiday […]
French weekly news magazine L’Express has reported that offices of France’s former president Sarkozy were hit by a cyber espionage campaign back in May 2012. Few days before the second round of the presidential election won by Hollande the President’s office was infected by Flame malware, within the compromise PCs also the one of Sarkozy’s […]
Yesterday I wrote about a new variant of malware able to use Google Docs function to hide communications to C&C servers, but daily we read about malicious agents that compromise every OS, also the ones considered most secure from security community. Recently security experts have detected a rootkit designed to infect Linux machines implementing an infection schema […]
The ways explored by malware creators are unlimited, recently Symantec has announced the discovery of a new operational mode for backdoor trojan Makadocs, the security firm has in fact reported that a variant of malware hides its command-and-control (C&C) server communications using a legitimate Google Docs function. Backdoor.Makadocs is a Trojan horse that opens a […]
In the last decade the cybercrime had made a substantial leap forward of the main threats to the security of each government. The turnover has reached unimaginable numbers attracting ordinary crime and creating new partnerships between organized crime and cybercrime making impossible to indistinguishable them. Group of criminals are paying cybercriminals to receive […]
Few months and also in Italy the wireless industry will live its mobile connectivity revolution with the introduction of new generation of networks LTE (Long Term Evolution), high-speed networks claiming speeds that are up to four times faster than comparable 3G networks. But as happened with previous technologies its fundamental ask to ourselves how much […]
I consider the Government surveillance one of the most interesting security topic, the possibility legally and not to interfere with digital experience of its citizens. In many cases governments for various reasons, such as homeland security, spy on users tracking their operations on internet, intercept their communications and access to mail accounts. The phenomenon is […]