WannaCry and NotPetya, probably two most damaging cyberattacks in recent history, were both only made possible because of EternalBlue. Here is how the NSA-developed cyber monster works, and how you should defend against it. What is the EternalBlue vulnerability? EternalBlue is a Windows exploit created by the US National Security Agency (NSA) and used in […]
Over 270,000 connected devices run vulnerable implementations of UPnP, threat actors are attempting to recruit them in a multi-purpose botnet. In April, Akamai reported that threat actors compromised 65,000 home routers by exploiting vulnerabilities in Universal Plug’N’Play (UPnP), experts tracked the botnet as UPnProxy. Now the company provided an update to its initial analysis revealing […]
According to Avira, hundreds of thousands of unpatched Windows systems are serially infected with EternalBlue exploit code. The EternalBlue, is the alleged NSA exploit that made the headlines with DOUBLEPULSAR in the WannaCry attack. The malicious code was leaked online by the Shadow Brokers hacking group that stole it from the arsenal of the NSA-linked Equation Group. ETERNALBLUE targets the Server […]
WannaCry ransomware outbreak anniversary – According to researchers from ESET, the popularity of EternalBlue increase significantly over the past months. Exactly one year ago, on May 12, the WannaCry ransomware infected hundreds of thousands of computers worldwide. The success of the malware was the use of the EternalBlue exploit that was stolen by Shadow Brokers […]
Researchers from Proofpoint discovered a huge botnet dubbed ‘Smominru’ that is using the EternalBlue exploit to infect Windows computers and recruit them in Monero cryptocurrency mining activities. The number of cyber attacks against the cryptocurrency sector continues, vxers are focusing their efforts on the development of cryptocurrency/miner malware. Recently security experts observed cryptocurrency miners leveraging the NSA EternalBlue SMB exploit […]
A new fileless miner dubbed CoinMiner appeared in the wild, it uses NSA EternalBlue exploit and WMI tool to spread. A new strain of Cryptocurrency Miner dubbed CoinMiner appeared in the wild and according to the experts it is hard to detect and infects Windows PCs via EternalBlue NSA exploit. CoinMiner is a fileless malware that leverages the WMI […]
According to FireEye, the notorious Russia-linked APT28 group is behind an ongoing campaign targeting hotels in several European countries. According to FireEye, the notorious Russia-linked APT28 group (Pawn Storm, Fancy Bear, Sofacy, Sednit and Strontium) is behind an ongoing campaign targeting hotels in several European countries. The researchers observed many attacks targeting the networks of hotels […]
Microsoft has announced that the SMBv1 SMBloris bug described at DEF CON won’t be patched because it could be fixed simply blocking incoming connections. Recently security researchers at RiskSense have identified a 20-year-old Windows SMB vulnerability they called SMBloris (a nod to the Slowloris DoS attack.), they presented their findings at the recent DEF CON hacker […]
Security researchers at RiskSense have identified a 20-year-old Windows SMB vulnerability they are calling SMBloris, a DEF CON Talk Will Expose it. Server Message Block (SMB) has been a foundational piece of Microsoft Windows’ networking all the way back to the LAN Manager days, facilitating “shared access to files, printers and serial ports.” It is […]
The Eternal Blues scanner allowed administrators worldwide to discover more than 50,000 computers vulnerable to the NSA-linked EternalBlue exploit. Recently the security researcher Elad Erez developed Eternal Blues, a free EternalBlue vulnerability scanner that could be used by administrators to assess networks. Now Elad Erez published data collected by the Eternal Blues over the two weeks, the […]