Yahoo! Contributors Network was affected by a serious Time based Blind SQL Injection vulnerability which allows the theft of sensitive data.
The Yahoo! Contributors Network allows writers to submit articles, videos, it also allows contributors to receive assignments from Yahoo related various domains like Sports and Finance.
The security researcher Behrouz Sadeghipour
reported to that The Yahoo! Contributors Network ( is vulnerable to a Time based Blind SQL Injection vulnerability, which could be exploited by attackers to steal users and contributors personal data.
According to the expert, he has reported the vulnerability flaw to Yahoo! Security team a few months ago and the company fixed the flaw. Months later Yahoo! announced its decision to shut down ‘Yahoo Contributors Network’ due to its decreasing popularity and removed all its contents online, except some of the “work for hire” content.
As explained by the researcher the vulnerability affect Yahoo!
systems and attackers could exploit it to compromise the database by injecting its own
SQL commands and to gain access to sensitive and personal information of contributors that are paid by the company. Two following URLs could be used to run the attack against the Yahoo
serverr :
It’s not the first time that experts
discovered a flaw in the
Yahoo! Contributors Network, in July 2012 has been hacked by the group of hackers called D33DS Company that stolen and published 453,491 email addresses and passwords in a document named “Owned and Exposed”. The file
containing the credentials was later disclosed via BitTorrent and various file lockers on the web. The D33Ds hackers claimed they released the information to show the security leak at Yahoo, and not to realize frauds or for other malicious purposes.
SQL Injection is considered an effective attacks technique and security experts worldwide sustain that the number of SQL injection attacks continues to grow. According to
new study titled “
The SQL Injection Threat Study“ published in April 2014 by the The Ponemon Institutenearly 65% of organizations suffered successfully SQL injection attacks in the last twelve
months, which were able to evade
victims’ defenses.
Do not underestimate the SQL Injection attacks … they could seriously damage your business.
Pierluigi Paganini
(Security Affairs – Yahoo contributor network, SQL injection)