Pierluigi Paganini December 10, 2014
POODLE SSL flaw is threatening also TLS Security Protocol

Researchers at Qualys revealed that POODLE is likely to hit some of the most popular websites because the flaw also affects implementations of newer TLS. POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) is a critical vulnerability affecting SSL that was discovered in October 2014. The researchers at Google that discovered it, explained that the POODLE flaw is related […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 15, 2014
POODLE attack on SSL menaces Internet, it’s time to disable it by default

The POODLE against SSL 3.0. A new attack on SSL is threatening the Internet again, it allows bad actors to decrypt traffic over secure channels. Another critical flaw affects one of the protocols most used to secure Internet traffic, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and attacker could exploit the attack dubbed POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) to run a […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 05, 2014
The GnuTLS Hello flaw leaves vulnerable SSL clients

Experts at security firm Codenomicon discovered a critical buffer overflow vulnerability in the implementation of the GnuTLS software. GnuTLS, a free software implementation of SSL/TLS/DTLS protocols, it offers a set of application programming interface (API) to enable secure communication over their network transport layer. News of the day is that the widely used cryptographic library is vulnerable […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 02, 2014
Cupid attack, Heartbleed Attack Vectors target Enterprise Wireless and Android Devices

A Portuguese security expert has uncovered the Cupid attack, a new Heartbleed attack vector which can impact Android devices, enterprise wireless networks and other connected devices. Cupid is the name of the new Heartbleed attack method recently proposed by Portuguese security researcher Luis Grangeia, unlike the original version of the attack, which took place on TLS connections over TCP, […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 10, 2014
Heartbleed one month later, at least 300k servers are still vulnerable

Security researcher Robert Graham published the results of recent global scan searching for Heartbleed vulnerable systems. 300k systems are still vulnerable Heartbleed flaw is a bug disclosed more than a month ago, which affected OpenSSL library with serious repercussion on most common encryption services we daily use. Encrypted communications, mobile platforms, VPN and Tor networks are just a […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 22, 2014
Certificate revocation checks aren’t efficient against Heartbleed

Security researcher Adam Langley of Google explained the real efficiency of revocation checking in response to OpenSSL heartbeat bug. The Heartbleed bug is a source of great concern for IT industry, every day we discover that the flaw in the OpenSSL library has had a significant impact on Servers, on the mobile industry and on the anonymity […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 20, 2014
Mandiant uncovered Heartbleed based attacks to Hijack VPN sessions

Security experts at Mandiant uncovered attackers exploiting the Heartbleed vulnerability to circumvent Multi-factor Authentication on VPNs. We have practically read everything about HeartBleed bug which affects OpenSSL library, we have seen the effects on servers, on mobile devices and also on Tor anonymity,  now lets focus on the possibility to exploit it to hijack VPN […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 18, 2014
The impact of the HeartBleed Bug on Tor Anonymity

The presence of nearly 380 servers in the Tor Network, 12 percent of the exit capacity, running the vulnerable version of OpenSSL could have compromised user’s anonymity. The Heartbleed bug is the flaw in the popular OpenSSL library that is scaring the security communities, many security experts hiphotesized that Intelligence agencies, including NSA, have exploited the bug to spy on […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 14, 2014
How many mobile Users could be affected by Heartbleed flaw?

Heartbleed is the security flaw that is scaring IT industry, which is its impact on the mobile worlds? How many Smartphone Users could be affected? Heartbleed flaw is the argument that most of all is capturing the attention of the media in this period,  billions of users worldwide have been impacted, there are thousands solutions affected […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 13, 2014
BlackBerry and CISCO products are affected by Heartbleed vulnerability

CISCO and BlackBerry started to evaluate the impact of Heartbleed vulnerability on their products … unfortunately,the list of affected solutions is long. So far we have discussed the Heartbleed vulnerability by not investigating which are the products on the market that really are suffering it. We realized that the Heartbleed vulnerability potentially allows any attacker to access […]