Tor Project

Pierluigi Paganini September 16, 2019
Tor Project’s Bug Smash Fund raises $86K in August

The Tor Project has raised $86,000 for a Bug Smash fund that it will use to pay developers that will address critical flaws in the popular anonymizing network. The Tor Project has raised $86,000 for a Bug Smash fund that was created to pay developers that will address critical security and privacy issues in the popular anonymizing […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 04, 2017
Tor Project fixed TorMoil, a critical Tor Browser flaw that can leak users IP Address

The Tor Project fixed a critical vulnerability dubbed TorMoil that could leak users real IP addresses to potential attackers. Tor users must update their Tor browser to fix a critical vulnerability, dubbed TorMoil, that could leak their real IP addresses to potential attackers when they visit websites with certain content. The Tor Project released the Tor Browser 7.0.9 version for both […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 27, 2017
Tor relay of a Brazilian University was banned after harvesting .onions

The Tor relay of a Brazilian University was banned by the Tor administrators because it was spotted collecting the .onion addresses of visitors. A team of researchers from a Brazilian University of Campinas in São Paulo, Brazil, has had its Tor relay node banned because it was spotted collecting the .onion addresses of visitors. Marcus Rodrigues, […]

Pierluigi Paganini July 20, 2017
Tor launches Bug Bounty Program, hackers can earn between $2,000 and $4,000 for high severity flaws

The Tor Project announced the launch of a public bug bounty program. Bug hunters can earn between $2,000 and $4,000 for high severity flaws. It’s official, the Tor Project announced the launch of a public bug bounty program through the HackerOne platform, the initiative was possible with support from the Open Technology Fund. “With support from the […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 25, 2017
TorWorld helps you to manage a Tor node, promising an upcoming Tor-as-a-Service

The TorWorld initiative aims to build a community area for those people that desire to set up either a Tor Relay or a Tor Exit node. We all recognize the importance of the Tor network, an important instrument to protect users’ anonymity and avoid censorship. Today I desire to present you an interesting initiative launched by Tor […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 12, 2016
Tor Project released an alpha version of the Sandboxed Tor Browser

Experts from the Tor project have launched an early alpha version of Sandboxed Tor Browser 0.0.2. to protect users’ anonymity. Experts from the Tor project have launched an early alpha version of Sandboxed Tor Browser 0.0.2. The Sandboxed Tor Browser aims to isolate the Tor Browser from other processes of the operating system in order to limit its ability […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 14, 2016
Here’s how Tor Project and Mozilla will make harder de-anonymizing Tor users

Tor Project and Mozilla are working together to improve the security of Tor users and make harder for attackers to unmask them. Intelligence and law enforcement agencies continue to invest in order to de-anonymize Tor users. In the past, we received news about several techniques devised by various agencies to track Tor users, from the correlation attacks to the hack […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 02, 2016
DefecTor – Deanonymizing Tor users with the analysis of DNS traffic from Tor exit relays

Researchers devised two correlation attacks, dubbed DefecTor, to deanonymize Tor users using also data from observation of DNS traffic from Tor exit relays. Law enforcement and intelligence agencies dedicate an important commitment in the fight of illegal activities in the Dark Web where threat actors operate in a condition of pseudo-anonymity. A group of security researchers at […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 05, 2016
Jacob Appelbaum leaves the Tor Project after accusation of sexual misconduct

The popular Tor developer Jacob Appelbaum left the Core Team of the Tor Project after “sexual mistreatment” allegations. Appelbaum is recognized as one of the most active and influential digital advocates and security researchers. He is one of the few reporters to have had a preview of the NSA secret documents leaked by Edward Snowden. The news is […]

Pierluigi Paganini June 02, 2016
Tor Browser 6.0 is out with significant privacy and security improvements

The Tor Project released the Tor Browser 6.0, the last version of the popular Tor browser that brings along significant privacy and security improvements. Early this week the Tor Project released the new version of the Tor Browser, the Tor Browser 6.0 which is based on Firefox ESR 45. The new version of the popular […]