Group-IB supported INTERPOL in its Operation Lyrebird that allowed to identify a threat actor presumably responsible for multiple attacks. Group-IB, one of the leading providers of solutions dedicated to detecting and preventing cyberattacks, identifying online fraud, investigation of high-tech crimes and intellectual property protection, has supported INTERPOL in its Operation Lyrebird that resulted in the identification and apprehension of a threat actor presumably responsible for multiple attacks, […]
Interpol has intercepted $83 million in illicit funds transferred from victims to the accounts used by crooks. An operation conducted by Interpol, codenamed HAECHI-I, conducted by more than 40 officers in the Asia Pacific region over six months period allowed to intercept a total of USD 83 million in illicit funds transferred from victims to […]
Joker’s Stash, the largest carding marketplace online, was shut down by a coordinated operation conducted by the FBI and the Interpol. Joker’s Stash, the largest carding marketplace online, was shut down as a result of a coordinated operation conducted by the FBI and the Interpol. The Joker’s Stash carding platform has been active since October […]
An operation coordinated by Interpol, dubbed Goldfish Alpha, dismantled an illegal cryptocurrency network operating in Southeast Asia Interpol announced that it has coordinated a successful international operation aimed at removing cryptocurrency miners that infected routers located in Southeast Asia. The operation sees the contribution of Trend Micro, law enforcement and CERTs from ASEAN countries, including […]
The Interpol located and shut down nearly 9,000 Command and control servers located in Asia and hacked with a WordPress plug-in exploit. An investigation conducted by the Interpol resulted in the identification of nearly 9,000 command and control servers located in Asia. The law enforcement body operated with the support of private partners, including Kaspersky Lab, Cyber Defense Institute, […]
Operation In Our sites VI (IOS) – Law enforcement from 27 nations collaborated to take down 37,479 counterfeit sites on biggest web takedown ever. Nearly one thousand websites have been seized by law enforcement agencies following the international operation In Our Sites (IOS) VI. The websites were offering for sale counterfeit merchandise online to consumers. The […]
Police officers from dozen countries have just completed the first training program on Darknets, Tor hidden services and illegal marketplaces. Cybercrime becomes even more sophisticated and explores new technologies for its illegal activities. A growing problem for law enforcement agencies world worldwide is to track illegal activities in the Dark Web. Not only cyber criminals, but also groups […]
The Interpol has recently announced the creation of its own cryptocurrency with the intent to understand the abuses and fight virtual currency crime. According to Dr. Madan Mohan Oberoi, Director of Cyber Innovation and Outreach in the INTERPOL Global Complex for innovation (IGCI) being set up in Singapore, the Interpol is working to design of a Cryptocurrency. […]
Law enforcement dismantled the Simda botnet in an international joint effort that involved also most important private security firms. Another joint operation conducted by law enforcement worldwide and private firms has dismantled the Simda botnet, investigators seized 14 Command and control servers, ten of which located in the Netherlands. Other C&C servers were located found […]
Criminal gangs have stolen millions of dollars from ATMs worldwide using the Tyupkin malware which forces machines to dispense cash. Criminal gangs in Eastern Europe are increasing the number of attacks against automated teller machines (ATMs), not only tampering the machine with card skimmers which steal debit card data, but also using malware. The malicious code used by […]