
Pierluigi Paganini March 27, 2014
FireEye uncovered APTs exploiting interest on Malaysian Flight MH370

Security experts at FireEye uncovered a cyber espionage campaign based on multiple MH370 themed spear phishing emails. Security researchers at FireEye have revealed a link between a recent spear phishing campaign on Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 and the attacks conducted by some advanced persistent threat (APT) attackers. The mysterious skyjacking of the Boeing 777-200 aircraft of Malaysian Airlines, flight MH370, is considered one of the events […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 26, 2014
Evolution of the offer in the underground market

RAND nonprofit and Juniper Networks firm published an interesting research on the evolution of the offer in the underground market. The cybercriminal underground is a prolific market able to provide any kind of tools and services for illicit ecosystem, one of the most requested articles is the exploits to compromise Internet users’ machines. Russian-language forums are […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 26, 2014
How to rob ATMs with a couple of SMS messages

Symantec experts demonstrated how to rob ATMs using a mobile device and sending a couple of SMS. Cybercriminals are increasing sophistication of attacks. What will happen after that Microsoft will stop supporting the Windows XP operating system on 8th April? The question was approached by numerous security experts on different media. The impact could be […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 25, 2014
Another zero-day vulnerability is threatening the Microsoft world

Microsoft issued a security advisory for the presence of a zero-day vulnerability in Microsoft Word products which allows a remote code execution. Another zero-day vulnerability is threatening the Microsoft world, the news was issued by Microsoft through an official security advisory (CVE-2014-1761). The vulnerability is present in Microsoft Word product, it allows a remote code execution that can […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 25, 2014
Pileup flaws in Android PMS menace more than 1 Billion devices

A group of researchers discovered a series of 6 vulnerabilities, dubbed Pileup flaws, in Android PMS that exposes more than 1 Billion Google-based devices. Android is the mobile OS that most of all attracts cyber criminals due its capillary diffusion, recently security experts have discovered new malware families targeting the platform and hackers have found numerous vulnerabilities […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 24, 2014
Cisco on large-scale attacks against unpatched or not updated servers

Cisco observed 400 hosts were infected on daily base and more than 2,700 URLs have been used in a multistage attack against websites running older OS versions. In the last months a growing number of large-scale attacks hit systems all over the world, many of them, like the Snake campaign, are attributable to state-sponsored hackers […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 24, 2014
Snoopy software can turn a drone is a data stealer

Researchers at Sensepoint have realized a software that could be used to turn a drone in a perfect spying machine able to steal data from mobile devices. The rapid diffusion of drones for civil uses raises serious security issues, we discussed in the past the risks related to hacking of so powerful machines, but there is […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 23, 2014
NSA hacked Huawei network for cyber espionage

NSA leaked documents, analyzed by Der Spiegel and The Times, report that NSA has hacked Huawei network to demonstrate the link with Chinese PLA. In the past years, many times US authorities and private industry have accused Chinese electronics manufacturer Huawei of cyber espionage, let’s remind also that Symantec has broken its joint-venture with the […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 23, 2014
IntelCrawler profiled Syrian Electronic Army group

The intelligence firm IntelCrawler has published a report on the activities of the Syrian Electronic Army. Are they hacktivists or cyber spies? IntelCrawler, a cyber-threat intelligence company has recently issued an interesting report on the activities of the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA), the experts analyzed a series of event since since its first appearance in […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 21, 2014
SEA has stolen invoices that shows Microsoft charges FBI for user data

A collection of emails hacked by the group Syrian Electronic Army shows that Microsoft charges the FBI’s Digital Intercept Technology Unit for user data. No more than a week ago hackers of the group Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) published online documents leaked from US CENTCOM repository, now the pro President Bashar al-Assad sad hacking team successfully penetrated […]